Sexual Motivation

Author Mark Manson From Models: Attract Women Through Honesty 7 years ago 11021

Another problem a lot of men run into, aside from their fears and their anxieties, is a seeming lack of motivation to get out there and pursue women. It’s one thing to sit at home and read books like this one, but it's something completely different to actually get off your ass on a Saturday and force yourself to meet women. It takes a lot of effort at first, and some men are easily able to convince themselves that it may not be worth the effort.

Since the advent of internet pornography, it's become easier than ever for men to satisfy their sexual urges. And today, there’s an entire generation that has grown up always having access to as much pornography as they want since a young age.

There are a lot of anti-pornography movements, and there are even theories about “pornography addiction” that are thrown around. Although there’s no absolute scientific proof (yet) for porn addiction, here’s something I can tell you that is absolutely true: porn harms your motivation to pursue women in real life.

There’s a bit of an epidemic of sexual apathy going on worldwide, where husbands, boyfriends and even single men are turning to pornography rather than the real life women that they see walking around every day. And it makes sense why: it’s easier, the women are hot, the sex is more exciting, it’s available at any time with the click of a mouse, it’s usuallly free, the girls never say no, it’s emotion-less and there are no obligations or commitments involved.

The problem is that there are some negative side effects. The first being that porn creates very, very unrealistic expectations about sex, about women, and about sexuality. Porn makes money by accentuating and exaggerating sexual ideals. Actual sex with an actual woman often involves awakward moments of figuring out what she likes, what you like, who likes it which way. It also often involves ecstatic moments of emotional intimacy, something porn can never provide.

Also, real women, no matter how hot they are, have imperfections — imperfections that are covered up in porn by makeup and plastic surgery. If a guy gets too accustomed to the perfectionism of porn, he’s going to have a lot more trouble becoming motivated by the girls he see every day.

The other problem is that porn is so easy, that it encourages men to measurable a lot. And as we all know, as men, the more we masturbate, the more interested we become in food and television, and the less we become in women and accomplishing something.

Napoleon Hill wrote a famous section in his classic work Think and Grow Rich called “Sexual Transfiguration.” Hill noticed and theorized that extremely successful men also had extremely high sex drives. And not only did they have very high sex drives, but they also channeled this sexual energy into their work and their accomplishments. Often they would astain from sex or masturbation for long periods of time and would, therefore, feel more energized.

Science is starting to back this up. Orgasms, or more accurately, ejaculation in men, actually causes a depletion of various hormones and endorphins which ofthen lead to useful behaviors as well as motivation.

Men who have masturbated constantly since adolescence often masturbate so hard and furiously that they desensitize their penis to realistic scenarios. When you masturbate three times a day for years straight, you ofthen have to grip yourself very hard and rub furiously to get off. This can often lead to sexual issues and impotence when a man actually does get into bed with a woman. This is because vaginas are soft, they’re wet, and the sensations they give you are subtle. Your iron-fisted grip does a horrible job of preparing you for the warm lady love.

So here’s what I recommend to you and all men who are looking to get motivated and improve themselves. It’s my patented masurbation and porn diet that I give to men. In fact, I still go on this diet myself from time to time when I want to add a little motivation to my life. It works wonders, and a lot of men have gotten stunning results from it. I’ve talked to guys who literally sat around reading dating advice for years without ever taking action, but on my masturbation and porn diet, within two weeks they were out there meeting women and trying to get dates.

So without further ado...

-End all pornography immediately. Starting today. Delete everything from your computer. Throw out any discs or DVDs you have. And if you have trouble controlling your urges, download some free website blocking software and block every porn site you know of immediately. This may sound horrible or extreme, but trust me. You will thank me in a month.

-Limit your masturbation to once a week. Schedule it. Pick a day. I usually pick Monday. Do not deviate from your masturbation schedule! If you want even a larger does of motivation (and you want to be as horny as a 14-year old), limit your masturbation to once every other week. Again, pick a day and hold yourself to it.

-When you masturbate, you’re only allowed to fantasize about women you’ve met and have not had sex with. It could be that woman at work. That girl you met Saturday night. The girl you have a date with that week. Whatever. But she has to be real, and she has to be someone you have not slept with (but obviously want to).

-When you masturbate, use lotion or lube. Do it slower than usual. Drag it out longer than 10 minutes if you can. Take your time with it. Enjoy it. You don’t get to do this every day, remember?

Follow this for a few weeks and you should find youself motivated. If you mess up or give in, just start over again. Don’t be hard on yourself. Ideally, within a couple weeks, the idea of going out to approach women should sound exciting to you instead of a chore. This is good. So go out and do it!

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