Fantasies Do Help You in Arousing Her

Author Bradley Martin From Sex: Every Man’s Guide to Make Her Orgasm and Equally Satisfied 7 years ago 11136

You would be a liar if you denied having even a single sexual fantasy in your life. It is a matter of common sense that humans being sexual predators that they are, are prone to imagining themselves getting some action in unexpected places and with unexpected people. Fantasies have always been an innate part of the history of the human libido. Fantasy is not age restricted. A school going kid fantasizes as much as a homy soccer mom. It should not be an embarrassment to admit to having them. It is completely okay to harbor and entertain fantasies as long as you are not cheating. Some opposing forces claim that fantasizing is nothing less than cheating. However, this is a fat load of lies. You are not cheating by thinking of a situation that has got the potential to arouse you; you are only helping yourself express sexually.

Be aware of the powers of fantasies

You should be aware of the powers of fantasies in helping humans achieve orgasms. It is an established fact that orgasms are majorly biological in nature. The arrival of bodily liquids after a good session of wild and hot sex is often referred to as having an orgasm. Strictly biologically speaking orgasm is equivalent to ejaculation. However, psychologists differ in their views on the issue. They are more liberal in their approach to the subject of orgasms. They are of the opinion that an orgasm is merely a state of mind; that more than anything biological, it is a well drawn out psychological phenomena.

We have a variety of fantasies. However, when it comes to sex, there are some forbidden mental places that we like to pay visits to regularly. There are always such scenarios where we imagine ourselves to be in a certain situation with certain persons doing certain things. Such a thing is called a sexual fantasy.

Your female partner's imagination may be as wide as the river Mississippi. All you have got to do is find a way in. The first step to fulfilling a fantasy is to first get familiar with it. A fantasy could involve comic characters; medieval themed scenarios or anything that has taken roots deep in the minds of the person.

Ways to learn about her deep fantasies

You can take the help of fantasies to arouse your female to extreme levels. Of course you cannot simply sit them and ask them regarding what their sexual fantasies are. It does not work that way. They are not going to tell you about their embarrassing imaginations. Chances are high that if you do end up asking them about their fantasies, they are going to be all the more defensive about it and never reveal them to you ever. Do not be direct about this.

One good way to learn about your partner’s deep fantasies is to subtly and indirectly ask them regarding their inner desires. Some females have fantasies regarding being slowed in a particular position, while others prefer something wilder like having sex in the balcony. It differs from woman to woman. Just because she does not mention it, it does not mean that she doesn’t have any. You could also encourage her to tell you hers by first sharing yours with her. Do not be embarrassed about the issue; it’s something that you two as lovers need to know about each other. Remember that it is completely ordinary to have fantasies.

Act on her fantasies

After you have somehow extracted the required knowledge regarding your partner’s fantasies, it is time for you to act on them. Do not mention a single word of your intentions to your partner. For example, if one of the deepest desires of your female partner is to do it on the terrace, you can always start by first dusting the terrace and arranging the necessary furniture there. All of this should happen without your partner getting any clue about it. Light some candles upstairs, arrange for a good dinner, wear clean clothes, buy her a new pair of lingerie and ask her to wear it. Blindfold her and walk her to the rooftop. Whisper into her ears that you love her and open the blindfold for her to see everything that you have done for her. Make sure that you allow her the time to take in everything that is happening. Do not rush into the act. Wait for her to respond. She is probably awing at your efforts by now.

Dress up in her favourite character from the show she watches the most. Sexualize this character by adding the required props and wearing an outfit that is smoking hot. For example, if she is a big fan of the Batman series, you could go to a cosplay store and buy a Robin suit and tweak it to appear sensual instead of comical. She is bound to appreciate your efforts even if you guess her favourite character wrong. Remember that most people are too conscious about their fantasies being weird to admit to them. If your partner happens to be one of such people, the first and foremost thing you must do is help them get rid of the stigma attached to having a fantasy.

Fantasies are places where people wander off to in times of leisure and inactivity. All of us have them. Sometimes we are just too shy to admit to having them. You need to grasp the fact that it is perfectly human to entertain fantasies. Some of our fantasies may be too abnormal or embarrassing. You know what’s the best way to make them less embarrassing? Fulfilling them. When you fulfill someone’s fantasy, they are not just happy that their imagination came to life but they are also grateful to you to make it all less awkward. You have just made possible the stuff that your partner’s dreams were made of. A good orgasm draws life from little things as these. Orgasm does not happen in vacuum. It needs to be nurtured and nourished since a long time before jumping into the bed.

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