What Do the Women Want And the Men Want In Sex Desire?

Author J.J.ERRINGTON From COUPLES SEX GUIDE 7 years ago 10104

Since men and women are designed differently, how they approach sex also differs. There are a number of things that both of them want, but they may not explicitly express the desire for such things, for one reason or other. Partners should always remember to communicate and to always think of their partners' feelings.


Things Women want:



One of the surprising things that women want is threesomes. Usually, it is men who are supposed to on having a threesome. However, many men have been known to have fantasies about having some with another female.

It is important to point out that even though. People may have sexual fantasies, not very often. Couples couId find the fantasies as pleasurable, if they decided to play out some of these fantasies out in real life.

Couples should also note that threesomes may complicate the relationship. They can lead to feelings of jealousy and insecurity from either of them. It is advisable to seek someone who is not close to any of you, if you choose to walk down that path.


Role Playing

Women crave adventure, especially where romance and sex are concerned.Women are therefore more imaginative. Role play is one of the ways couples can spice up their sex lives, by using their imagination to maximize the sexual experience between them.


Role play is one of the best ways to break a sex life that has become routine. It adds a fresh approach to sex and creates a sense of excitement that both couples have not felt for some time.


You can add costumes to make the roles more authentic. Some women may want to be dominated, while others want to experience the feeling of being in control. However, if you chose to do it, both parties must always feel comfortable about the roles they play, otherwise it will not work.


Sex Toys

Couples are encouraged to use sex toys, particularly when the woman cannot get orgasms when she is with her partner. There are sex toys that are specifically designed for couples.


Rough sex

Some studies have shown that 57% of women love it is little bit rough in the bedroom. Most women who would love rough sex, like to play a submissive role. The intensity of it may vary, depending on the woman.


Some women like a little bit of roughness like grabbing her from the waist, pulling her tightly towards. Others may want an even more intense experience that may qualify as S&M. it is therefore advisable that couples talk about what makes either of them uncomfortable, before trying out new things in the bedroom.


Some commentators and writers have pointed out some women may be reluctant to rough sex.Because it may contradict feminism and women power. Despite the fact that they fantasize at out it, they may undermine their position in a relationship.


However, nothing can be further from the truth. Rough sex in this case is more like role playing. Taking a submissive position in the bedroom should not mean that you are less than your partner. In any case, many powerful men have for centuries sought out dominiatrix in brothels, in order to gain pleasure from this submissive position they assume.


What Men Want

There are a few things men fantasies about. As stated earlier, they are often simple and direct. Despite the fact that these things seem simple and physical, they can go a long way in helping you get to new levels of excitement.


Initiate Sex

Men find it very flattering, when a woman initiates sex. It is generally expected that men would initiate sex. For that reason, many men secretly wish their wives would initiate sex. It excites men on several levels. It is compliments and reassures in him that he wanted and it makes him feel attractive,surprising and exciting, when the woman suddenly initiates sex. It does not have to be complicated. Simply making a move and expressing your desire either verbally or physically will be appreciated by most guys.


Try New Positions

Just like initiating sex, it can be a real turn on for him when she initiates new things in the bedroom. Some women have reservations about making this kind of move. They feel he may take it like she is cheating or that she is saying that he is not good enough in bed.


However, most mature men appreciate when the women takes the initiative. Many men out there also find it somewhat flattering that she is keen on trying new positions with him in the bedroom.


Watching Her

Men respond much more visual stimulating than women do. Men are easily aroused by a woman dancing provocatively in front of him. She may also choose to touch herself in front of him, especially if this is something that also turns her on.



Men have ego and this is also true, when it comes to sex. Giving him compliments that say something a bout his skills is not only beneficial to him, but it can be helpful to the woman as well. There are many other things you can complement him on, including his fit body, charm, or masculinity.

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