Follow the Leader - Her

Author Bradley Martin From Sex: Every Man’s Guide to Make Her Orgasm and Equally Satisfied 7 years ago 12762

Compared to men, who can climax even with many distractions when they have already reached the point of no return, women tend not to be quite that easy. Because of this, it’s best to follow her lead as to what works and do the best you can, sticking with it until the success of what you’re doing has been exhausted and isn’t working as well as you want it to. As the saying goes, don't fix it if it ain't broke.

Relevant studies have estimated that women have different sexual needs. Because she was a selective creature, she was able to weed out the weak males and wait until one that would not only impregnate her with healthy offspring, but provide for those offspring, came along.

As males continue to be governed by some of their primitive imperatives, women do, too. But hey, it’s the 21st Century, so let’s adapt the primal different sexual imperatives of men and women and cut to the chase - women want to know that they’re desired. They want you to show them that in bed. That means following her lead, She’s essentially in charge. She wants to know that you’re coming back for a repeat performance. If you let her know that and you mean it, you’re in for the long-term sexual relationship of a life-time. No longer about finding the healthiest male and the baddest: hunter in the clam , what women want today is the baddest Orgasmatronic male; the one who will not only give her what she wants for a night, but for the long haul. All It takes is a commitment to finding your mutual sweet spot. It’s the key to paradise and once you find that key, you’ll have no reason to look elsewhere. It’s worth the effort.

While a woman may want you to give her the impression that you’re in charge in bed, the fact is that’s not the case. Women are in charge of the success of every coital adventure. The truth is, though, they’re unsure about that role and what it means in the context of a relationship.

Here’s why you’re going to acknowledge that reality - it benefits you. You will have a bombastic, really fantastic sexual experience if you follow that one simple rule of thumb -the woman you’re with is in the lead. She’s going to show you what she needs and wants and if you’re smart, you’re going to provide it.

By following your woman's cues and following through with them, you’re going to get to a place that most couples only dream about - orgasmic bliss. In understanding that good sex depends primarily on the satisfaction of your partner, you will be a happier man because you’ll be a better, more attentive and more skillful lover. Doesn’t that sound better than the alternative?

While it's certainly a very noble and worthy cause to strive for simultaneous or tandem orgasm, this can be very challenging for most couples. Considering that women’s clits are much more sensitive than men’s penis heads, it’s better to be a gentleman - not a minuteman - and make sure your woman comes first.

It’s worth noting that rubbing her clitoris excessively - especially when thrusting your penis in and out of her - can make it either too desensitized or too sore to be further stimulated orally or manually, later on. This is another reason to master the art of foreplay to help bring your woman to orgasm every time you make love with her.

Here's a very good tip for helping her orgasm more easily the next time out. Keep in mind that women in general, tend to orgasm more quickly after the first one. Hence, helping her reach at least one orgasm, via foreplay, can make it much easier for her to come first during intercourse. That should make for a great final act for the night!

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