Women tend to be more emotional than men. Moreover, women are more sensitive to words than men. The difference in those two aspects result in difference in how they react upon having sex. To make your woman more aroused and improve your mutual feeling, you're encouraged to speak up and behave as a leader because you've got the talent.
Speak up
One of the things getting in the way of women achieving orgasm is feeling they're not looking their best. They want to be the sexiest you've ever seen and they want you to say it out. If they feel inadequate,ashamed or embarrassed about their bodies, they may not be aroused enough to enjoy having sex.
Therefore, please speak up! Tell her with all honesty how beautiful you find her - especially when she's naked. Avoid general statements but speak out in more detail. You can a much greater chance of increasing her naked body self-esteem by being specific. For exmple, you can tell her how you love the shape of her breasts, her smooth skin, her cleanly trimmed pussy and shapely buttocks.Focusing on the aspects of your partner's body that turn you on most and tell her why. The more specific you are, the more she'll believe how beautiful she looks naked. Being specific means that not only you notice her body in detail, but that you spend time thinking about her and appreciating her unique beauty. Remember, you can be a hypocrite and tell her what isn't 100% true. However, that's not going to be good for her in the long run. Be a gentlelman and be honest about what you really love her naked body and don't just flatter her to squeeze out an orgasm.
You've Got Talent
Forepleay begins even before you do or speak anything sexual. Your talent in activating the foreplay is a strong aphrosdisiac. For example, a talent worth investing is humor, which can be acted as an aphrosdisiac in turning your woman on. Have you wondered why many comedians looking less appealing than LeBron James' big ol'feet are able to get with really hot women and keep them? In particular, cocky comedy, as popularized by David de Angelo is particularly useful in turning your woman on.
It's nothing but truth that talent is an aphrodisiac. Women love a guy with skills. Maybe your talent isn't the axe, or hoops, but you know you've got some kind of talent that will make her see you in an entirely different light. Even if it's something you may think is mundane, pull it out and attract her with it. Impress her with your knowledge. Take time to make her laugh and share your talent with her and see that twinkling in her eyes.