How To Harness Your Sexual Energy?

Author Jordan Gray From Keep Her Captivated-Lead your relationship to its maximum potential 7 years ago 14139

Your best results will come when you continue to engage in sexual activity while refraining from orgasm because the more sexual energy you have in your reserves, the more you have to utilize to fully open your partner.

You want to be revving your internal engine without blowing a market.

Here is the process that my clients have consistently found to be the easiest way to transition into harnessing their sexual energy.

1. Commit to trying it

You do not have continue to refrain from frequent ejaculation if you decide it isn’t for you. Just try it. Give it a week and see what happens. Understand that while most men experience positive results when they learn to harness their sexual energy, this process does not have to be one you commit to doing for the rest for your life.

2. Take the first 2-3 days off completely

Don’t masturbate; don’t have sex. Remove all of the stressors that you can from your life. Sleep well, and generally take good care of yourself. This will help you get away from masturbating simply because you think you should. It will help you translation back to becoming aware of your body (in fasion similar to eating food because “it’s noon and therefore, lunch time” as opposed to eating when you experience hunger). A lot of this process is about re-sensitizing your mind to your sexual self.

3. Between the 3-7 day mark, begin exploring sexual pleasure again

Keep a safe distance from the orgasmic ‘point of no return’. If you think of your sexual arousal on a scale of 1 to 10, practice intentionally rising and falling your arousal between the 408 range while engaging sexually with (or without) your partner. Doing this will not only stoke your sexual fires, but it will get you more comfortable with determing your ejaculatory ‘point or return’; knowing this will allow you more control over your orgasm. It will also prevent you from experiencing premature ejaculation with your partner.

Additionally, the more seuxal energy you have to utilize in your life, the more you will want to make your partner achieve orgasm. The more you make her achieve orgasm, the more testosterone spikes you experience. It’s a truly win-win situation.

4. Recognize your response to the increased sexual energy

You might notice feeling more driven and decisive, more rested on less sleep. And as though you’re standing taller-like your posture has improved. You may be more present and aware in your social interactions. It’s possible you’ll feel simultaneously more emotionally connected to your partner and mroe grounded in your masculinity. You may feel more proficient at dialing up and down your polarity, with communication and sex flowing easily.

If you experience feeling of anxiety or agitation, or if you get a really overwhelming urge to come, channel that energy into something productive. Go to the gym, go for a run, meditate, or do something creative. Redirect the energy into something that benefits you.

It’s that simple. Have fewer orgasms, gain mental clarity, and be able to open your partner more fully.

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