Top Tips on Flirting with Your Spouse

Author Sheila Wray Gregoire From 31 Days to Great Sex 7 years ago 10788

Just as playing together helps you laugh together, flirting helps you to laugh-and binds you together because you share a relationship with your spouse that is totally unique. Here are some top tips to get the fun rolling:

1.Leave a love note on the mirror

Using a dry erase marker (or even lipstick!), leave a love note on your honey's bathroom mirror. To be even bolder, draw a picture of what you want to do later.

2.Kiss in the car at stoplights

That never gets old. And don’t forget at least one 15 second kiss a day!

3.Have a secret code phrase

Want to tell him you think he's hot? Try a secret code phrase, like “Are we due for an oil change?” No one else will know what you really mean but him, so you can say it in front of the kids, in front of your parents, in front of anybody!

4. Play the fortune cookie game

Whenever you get a fortune cookie, mentally add the words “in bed” to the end of it. You'll giggle together at a Chinese restaurant as you pass them to your husband, but no one else will know why you're laughing!

5. Grab some flesh

When he's walking by, smack his butt! Now, here's where things may differ for the guys. If she’s doing the dishes, and you walk up behind her and squeeze her breasts, she’s likely to get a little ticked off. Many women write to me saying, “my husand is always grabbing me! It makes me feel so used” Men may not mean it that way, and many men actually enjoy being grabbed. But women don't in the same way.

While women can be bolder, then, it's often better for men to start off with a lighter touch. Instead of grabbing her breast, stroke her shoulder. If you're sitting on the couch next to her, run your fingers through her hair. Hold her hand as often as you can if she giggles and returns the attention, then by all means try something a little friskier!

6.Set up a cozy love nest for watching movies

Want to watch a flick tonight? Share pillows and a blanket and play footsie. One respondent on my survey for The Good Guide to Great Sex says that she and her husband have “topless movies" where they snuggle up under the blankets minus any tops. Tons of fun!

7.Wives, ask your husband to choose your panties for the day

If he chooses them, he’ll be picturing you in nothing but them-all day, advises Paul Byerley, The Generous Husband.

8.Leave sticky notes in unexpected places

And try to always use the same color so he knows they're from you! If you are near her place of work during the day, stick under her windshield wiper. Get the waitress to put one on his plate when you are eating out. Get the kids in on it too! (from The Generous Husband).

9.Text, text, text each other

Text about anything-song lyrics, memories of fun times you've had, what you’re wearing, what you're thinking about.

10.Stick Notes in his lunch

One fan on my Facebook Page shared this idea:

I also write stuff on his brown bag lunch. For a while, I thought it might embarrass him. But when I stopped, he pouted. They aren't always "sexy". Some are just sweet. But tomorrow's lunch has written in red letters: For my Red Hot Lover! *grins*

11. Flirt in a crowd

Catch your husband's eye in a crowded room and wink at him. Pass him a note that says you’re available and you think he's cute, says Gina Parris. Or walk up to her and try a cheesy pick up line!

12.Flash him - but not in pubfic

“Yes, this is ridiculously forward, but if you do it, while he's watching TV, and then just walk away, at least you will have raised his blood pressure - and raised your own sexual energy for a greater chance of engaging in a little more fun,” says Gina Parris of Winning at Romance.

One of my commenters on my blog also recommended doing chores vigorously-and bralessly-so he can appreciate the bounce! When you mop the floor, Wear a skirt but go cornmando and get down on all fours to see if he notices.

13.Stick a surprise somewhere interesting

Another Facebook Page reader emailed me this tidbit:

My husband recently got back from a long out of state trip. It was late when he got home but I was expecting him. He quickly showered and came to our room in new underwear (that was a color! something I had been longing for in a long time). He said “I have something for you” I thought it was the underwear and I commented on how nice they were between smooching. “No I have a gift for you in them." I thought he was just being cheeky, of course he is a gift! So I reached on in and there was jewlery box!!! That was not what I expected! It was a sweet gift, and his creativity was so memorable! He has inspired my own games of hide and seek, may it be a note written with a wash off marker under my panty line or some little item in my bra .. .it is a fun way to play every now and then.

14.Go commando

Forget donning knickers under that dress or skirt for your date, then whisper to him in the restaurant what you're doing tonight. (from j at Hot, Holy and Humorous).

15.Play “strip” Anything

Turn any board game in your home into a sexy time by adding “strip” to the beginning: Strip Battleship (an item of clothing for each sunk ship), Strip Scrabble (for every word worth 20-30 points), Strip Monopoly (every time you pass go or an item of clothing to get out of jail), etc.

16.Play Footsie

When you're at a restaurant with tablecloths, slip your shoe off and let your toes explore his legs. Get him all worked up while you carry on a normal conversation!

Flirting is a fun way to play with your husband, to boost your own libido, to get you thinking along those lines, and to make your spouse feel wanted. And if it's combined with regular sex, you'll feel much more confident in your relationship if you throw in some of these fun ideas.

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