What Does It Mean to be Not Sexy in Dirty Talk?

Author Bradley Martin From Sex: Every Man’s Guide to Make Her Orgasm and Equally Satisfied 7 years ago 11625

We've already known that talking dirty is one of the best ways to prime you woman up. Still many males are not sexy in dirtytalk and doesn't really know what it means to be "not sexy", which means you shouldn't be too aggressive, insensitive, awkward or creepy.

First, what does "being too aggressive" mean? If you are just going straight to sexual talk without preparing your woman for it, you're too aggressive and you are emitting an exceedingly and excessively strong sexual vibe that is aggressive and not at all attractive. Indeed, many people consider aggressive men as being threatening. For example, telling your woman “I wanna fuck the lights out of you later tonight!” is obviously too brusque and aggressive. Aggressive does’t mean brusque orrough. It simply means taking the lead and not being intimidated. If you’re too aggressive, scale back on the forcefulness by becoming more playful and funny to make her feel at ease with you and to ensure she’s comfortable and not feeling threatened.A playful man is sexy to woman while a sexually aggressive man is not, especially when he appears to be giving a mission to her to put off her clothes.

Second, being insensitive means not being able to discern how and when to talk dirty to your woman. You can unwittingly transmit an ill-timed "baboon" vibe. For example, shifting yoru conversation to sex-however subtly-when she's pouring her heart out to you because she feels bad about being reprimanded by her boss earlier at work is a very clear example of being insensitive.

You can remedy this by sincerely apologizing for the ill-timed dirty talk-if she complaint of your insensitivity-or by simply shifting attention from it with a really funny joke if she didn't explicityly express her displeasure. Be careful with the joke you choose! You might exacerbate the situation.Tell her she's so attractive to you that you get ahead of yourself sometimes and that you can't keep your hands off her. She'll find this irresistibly endearing.

Then,a natural consequence of being insensitive is being awkward, which makes you appear weak and creepy.When you say the wrong thing at the wrong time, you kill the vibe and make it very uncomfortable for both of you to be together and that isn't sexy at all.

At last, being creepy is pretty much self-explanatory. As with awkwardness, your creepiness is not an attractive or desirable vibe. Don't be creepy if you want to be sexy. Some guys are not so clear about what being "creepy" really means but often confuse it with the word "sexy". We think that by displaying certain behavior, we're turning women on or paying them a compliment. But being creepy is not going to win you any points with any living woman. In fact, being creepy is about the worst thing a due can be.

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