Avoid keeping company with licentious and unabashedly obnoxious women

Author Bruce Bryans From Dating Deal Breakers That Drive Men Away 7 years ago 11071

This one may seem strange, but it does have a great effect on what men think about you as a person and therefore, the future (or lack thereof)they might see with you. The truth is, if you often find that the men you date just don’t seem to ‘get’ your friends and they’re often unwilling or uninterested in getting to know them a bit better, you may have a female friend problem on your hands.

When the emotions of a new romance are high, a man is more likely to overlook many things about a woman what would have otherwise made him think twice about pursuing her. This is nature’s way of allowing two different people from different genders to get to know one another more intimately without too many barriers. Nature wants people to come together to make babies, and you can’t make babies if the only things two people can see are each other’s unattractive flaws. So, with nature’s love potion at work in a new romance, most men simply won’t be able to realize earlier on that there might be some things about you that make you an incomplete mate.

Your friends, however, will act as an early red flag for a man, especially if he’s a bit more experienced and prudent in dating. Your friends can provide him with a good look at what you are really like when he’s not around you. He’s not romantically attracted to your friends, which means that his judgments about them are clear and untainted by his hormones. Of course, this may all seem a bit extreme, as chances are you’ve probably never heard a guy admit this sort of thing. But make no mistake: relationship-minded men are more discriminating when assessing the quality of a woman’s connections.

Guys like this understand that birds of a feather do, in fact, flock together. They understand that you and your friends will have many shared beliefs, interests, and even personalities. In many cases, for a guy who’s considering whether or not to commit to you, it may quickly whether to not to commit to you, it may quickly occur to him that if he can’t stand your friends now, there’s a good chance he might not be able to stand you in the near future (once the romantic fog has lifted.)

High-quality men also understand that bad company will inevitably corrupt good character. So even if you’re a high value women who just so happens to keep company with women who just so happens to keep company with women of lower value (due to their character, habits, interests, etc.), your potential Mr. McDreamy might be terrified of what you might become in the future and will thus cease dating you so as to avoid any unwanted future surprises.

When a man is seriously considering any kind of future with a woman he beings to play out various scenarios in his mind that either reinforces his hopes or his fears about being with her. If the thought of being around your friends or even being around you when you’re with your firends makes him want to hang himself, he’s not going to stick around long enough for that to happen.

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