Conveyor Belt to Manhood

Author Gregg Michaelsen From To Date a Man:, You must Understand a Man 7 years ago 12095

As masculine animal, men need to acquire things - very important things. Men are taught to drive a nice car, wear nice clothes, makes lots of money and even sleep with a lot of women. All of the ingredients getting mixed into the batter which creates a man include competition, challenge, self-worth, toughness and motivations to make money and provide.In the childhood, a boy usually learns things such as climbing trees, learning to fight, washing the car, bringing in the groceries, cutting the lawn, fixing the leaky sink and they are usually taught not to cry. This passage will probe what men really need, characteristics of manhood and which kinds of men women usually encounter and which kind of men women are suggested to pursue.

As a man grows up, it become increasingly evident that manhood is defined by what he does, how well he does and how he compare to his peers. Like a monarch buterfly emerging from a chrysalis, status was becoming the cornerstone of his universe. With status comes confidence and with confidence comes a man who would begin to understand the world and love.

Money is important to men

Many relationships fall apart because a man has no self-worth or confidence. Some men fall off the conveyer belt early and are force to stay in the "reject" pile. This usually has a lot to do with his inability to provide. He can't get a job or his job is very low paying or brings no status. This may sound shallow but it's how men are internally wired. Men turn to drugs and alcohol when they feel they don't measure up to peers or their parents' expectations. Sometimes those men may physically abuse women or they just need to sleep with as many women as possible to try to prove their self-worth. Certainly this is just in vain. Other rejects are men who never had a fighting chance. They just grew up without a dad or older brother or with parents who were drug addicts or alcoholics and Maybe they can't get out of thood and were forced to join gans. All those will lead to a path of sadness, depression and loneliness.

Disappointedly, many women may pick these types of men and don't even know the fact! Women should remember that men are providers in DNA. Money is more important to men than most women realize. If a man can't pay the rent, afford a car or afford to put food on the table, how can he ever measure up to himself and to you?

A man's mission

As a man, he must complete his mission of manhood by becoming self-reliant. This is defined by who he is, how much he makes and how he is defined by the important people in his life. Until he becomes self-reliant, women will not and should not be a focus in his life. Here comes a woman's failure experience with a non-self-reliant man. She complained as below: "Smith and I have been together for 4 years. I supported him through most of the time and I was there for him while he went back to college. I gave it my all. Finally he landed a great job and about this time he said he did't love me anymore."

Any women making choice like this shall stop right here and digest the content about a man's mission carefully. A man like this should never be picked up and you will change your life for the better.

Difference between men and women in what they value

Many women love their men unconditionally and can't understand why he won't reciprocate. To most women, money is not important. Most women live a life of scarcity, so when a weak man arrives at her door, she invites him in like a wet kitten. He is a wet kitten! If she has money, women try to mold this man into greatness. However, they don't understand this is impossibel for any length of time. This wet kitten needs to go back outside and grow into a lion and you cannot do it for him. Instead, you let him inside to pee on the rug for months or even years. But before you know it, you're thirty-nine years old,desperate for kids and single. You need to choose men and not be chosen. There are millions of wet kittens out there but there are millions of full grown lions out there too. To experience quality love, you need to pick from the full-grown lion bin! But women should remember that lion bin men want interesting, motivated and high value women - women with integrity and boundaries and women who know what they want in life and in a man.

Things below should be remembered:

•Understand the influences society puts on men;

•Understand the ingredients or DNA making-up a man - including competition, challenge, self-worth, toughness and motivation to make money and provide;though it is not necessarily important to you;

•How a man is viewed by others, mainly male role models, correlates directly with his self-esteem;

•Men are not able to love themselves, or women,until they have attained what they consider as success;

•Women tend to date wet kittens because you feel you can change them. You can't! Wet kittens pee on the rug, go out and never come back.

•Lions don't hang out at the usual watering holes - they are choosers, just like you will be soon!

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