How to Build A Confident and Dominate Body Language?

Author Jordan Alexo From I Am A Sexy Motherfucker-Learn the fine art of attracting women easily and naturally 7 years ago 14862

Body language is an important non-verbal communication way and it involves in various body behaviors such as facial expressions,body posture,gestures,eye movement,touch and the use of space. Everyone has his or her own body languages and before you build a confident and dominant body language, first you shall realize the body language you can't easily correct and those you can easily correct. Then you shall learn and remember the standard body language, including the body language in talking,walking,standing still and sitting.

Body Language Can't Easily be Corrected

If you have a tendency of slouching your back; or don’t have a lot of mobility in your hips and pelvis area probably because you spend too much time sat in front of a computer.

Then this body language is hard to correct consciously if not impossible. In case, you ever tried to straighten up your back by forcing your shoulders back and standing as straight as possible. You probably noticed as soon as you forget you immediately.

In case, you ever tried to remember to straighten your back by forcing your shoulders back and standing tall as possible. You probably noticed as soon as you forgot you immediately went back to your old posture.

Also our pelvis area and hips normally get stuck from spending excessive time sat down. This affects our walk making it more robotic and clunky. Not exactly the same as having a sexy swagger that puts women looking at your crotch.

Actually, I don't even know if there is any mental exercise to correct this. So the best solution I found is to either subscribe to Yoga or Pilates classes. The stretching exercises learned in these classes will drastically improve your overall body flexibility and straighten up your back.

Body Language Can Easily be Corrected

Even there are some positions that can't easily be corrected, there are some that can be corrected indeed.For example, when you catch yourself tilting your head down then go back to tilting it up. You may take a while until you reprogram this and no longer need to consciously think about it.

And there are a few things you can do to make the process easier. Every time you go to the bathroom to check yourself in front of the mirror and check if you are tilting your head up, have your back straight and shoulders back; if not then you can readjust your gestures.

You can correct some of your body language through Yoga and Pilates exercises and the coaches in these lessons will teach you to correct your gesture gradually. For example, you may find you back muscles become stronger and your spine more straight after exercising for a long period.When doing the exercises, never forget to be patient with yourself.

Standard Body Language

Put yourself in front of the minor, preferentially a large mirror where you can see yourself from your waists upwards. Now position yourself sideways to the mirror.

Look forward. See if you neck to chin is doing a 90 degree angle. Afterward gently tilt your head up about 15 degrees.

·Push your shoulders back until your chest comes slightly forward

·Keep your back straight. Imagine that a string coming from the top of your head is pulling you gently up towards the ceiling

·This probably will feel unnatural and even uncomfort-able. However, this is the correct body posture you should keep at all times.

The Right Body Language When Talking

Avoid crossing yours arms or putting your hands inside of your pockets. This makes your conversation seem boring. Use your hands to better express your ideas.

Look people in the eyes but time to time look away. Otherwise, you will make most people feel uncomfortable.

Avoid leaning in to the conversation this makes you seem needy. Instead let others lean in to you. This also includes in noisy environments. If a girl is interested in hearing you, she will eventually lean in to hear you better.

The Right Body Language When Walking

·Don’t keep your arms in a 90 degree angle. It automatically makes you look gay.

·Your arms should be positioned down near your pockets with 10 to 15 degree angle. Of course, this doesn’t need to be exact. Just so you can get a better idea.

·Your arms should slightly swing back and forward as you walk.

The Right Body Language While Standing Still

·You should take up space.

·Your feet should be apart a bit more than distance of your shoulders.

·Your feet should be pointing forward and slightly outwards.

The Right Body Language While Sitting

·Avoid crossing your legs. Open your legs and take up space.

·Don’t sit perfectly straight. You should use the curve of your back and sit a bit lower

·Stretch your arms over the sofa or bench. But I don't overdo it!

·Sit on the middle of the bench or sofa if you have enough space

Action plan for correcting your body language

First, it is suggested that you can either subscribe to Yoga or Pilates classes as this will more quickly and naturally improve your overall body language and flexibility.

Second, you shall try your best to correct your posture throughout your days. Each time you find a mirror you just check yourself out and see if you need to readjust your body.

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