How To Improve My Confidence And Be A Manly Man?

Author Amanda Jordan From Dating Advice The Manual for Men 8 years ago 10975

Let me tell you the truth. It is not difficult to act confident in front of women. You probably won’t believe this until you experience and see it for yourself. Many guys make the mistake of assuming that they need to memorize a lot of tips and act the right way, but really, it;s a matter of attitude, and being brave enough to simply stand your ground, exist without apology, and talk to her. I would like to share some tips with you and you will quickly know what to do:

Spruce up your appearance. Take time for proper grooming and dressing. Does this mean you have to go metrosexual and lather yourself in creams? No. It does mean to take time for a basic grooming routine and learning the basics of dressing appropriately. Shower and shave everyday. Brush your teeth. Run a comb through your hair. While these things are simple, you’d be surprised by the number of men who fail to do them.

In addition, take time to actually dress yourself in the morning. Wearing sweat pants and a ratty t-shirt makes you look like a bum, not someone who is confident. A good rule of thumb is to dress so you wouldn’t be embarrassed to meet a woman or business contact later for an impromptu lunch. You’ll be able to strike the right balance of casualness and formality.

Master your Walk: Women tend to notice what you are wearing first, and your walk secondly. Make sure that you are dressed nice, but then you should start focusing on the way you hold yourself and walk. Do you find yourself hurrying everywhere you go? Try to take it slower. When someone is confident, they aren’t in a rush. This goes for speaking as well as walking.

Confident people know what they’re talking about and where they Ye walking to, so walk as though you are aware of exactly where you’re heading and why.

Set goals and meet them. Confident men make goals and keep them. Goals are promises we make to ourselves. How can you have confidence in yourself if you can’t keep a promise to yourself? Start making and keeping goals today by setting one goal that you can accomplish today and do it. If you constantly sleep in, make a goal to wake up early and do it. If you feel unorganized, make it goal to plan your day out and do it. By setting and keeping small goals, you’ll start to increase your confidence. As your confidence increases, you’ll be able to set and achieve bigger goals which in turn boosts your confidence even more. It’s a self feeding cycle, but it all starts with keeping small goals.

Be Confident about Receiving Compliments: If a woman compliments you on your eyes or your smile, take it with confidence and thank her. A confident person accepts compliments, but an insecure person will respond doubtfully or even list off reasons why the compliment is unfounded, which can be insulting and uncomfortable for the person trying to be friendly.

When to Call: This is something we will discuss in further depth later on in the book when we get into date etiquette, but you should always try to call before three days have gone by. If a woman gives you her phone number, you have to call within two days, or you will appear stupid or scared for trying to play mind games with her. If you feel nervous, trick yourself into thinking that you're making a business call. Think hum before making the call to get your voice to a natural and attractive pitch. When you call her; state your name, when and where you say her, and your reason for giving her a call. Instead of asking her whether she’d like to get together, ask her when works best for her.

Be Mindful of the Way you Sit: When you are sitting down and talking to a woman, try to sit at an angle from her. For example, instead of sitting down directly in front of her, try to sit to her side. This allows her to turn her body toward you if she wants to. Most women aren’t very comfortable with being frontally assaulted by sitting across from someone, so this set up allows her to turn toward you if she wants to.

This also allows you to accurately gauge her interest. If she is turned to you, it indicates that she wants to be there talking with you.

Now it’s your turn. What has helped you increase your manly confidence? Drop a line in the comment box and add to the conversation.

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