Take time to really listen to what your partner is saying. Let him/her talk about their job, interests, opinion about current news and events, and truly listen and pay attention. Even if you are not interested in what your partner wants to talk about, it is important that you’are a good listener and give some input anyway. It will mean a lot to your partner for you to hear what they have to say about a topic, even if it's something that you aren't crazy about.
Sometimes it may seem like you and your partner has exhausted what you can talk about. You know everything about the other or you've heard the same stories so many times that you could tell them on your partner’s behalf. As frustrating as this might be, don't get mad at your partner Think of it this way, they keep on telling you that story for a reason. Either it's extremely important to them, or they think you like it. Regardless of the reason, make sure that you are appreciative even when you remind them that you have heard it before.
One important communication skill needed in a relationship is listening, active listening. It can become easy to “tune out” your partner. Sometimes you become so distracted with your own life that you don't always listen. Your spouse or partner may feel like you don’t appreciate them if they have a long conversation with you and half way through you have no idea what they are talking about. Try your best to truly listen. Cut out the distractions. If your partner is trying to talk to you while your favorite TV show is on it’s probably not going to end up well. Turn it off and listen to the words they are trying to convey to you. Another important part of active listening is not just hearing what is being said, but looking at your partner's body language. If they are telling you that they are not upset about something but their body language is telling you otherwise, you might want to voice your concerns. Finally, a great way to let your partner know that you are truly listening is providing feedback. As they speak to you, ask them questions about what they've said and give them advise. Whether they are legitimately concerned about something or are just telling you about their day, make sure that you are listening intently to everything that they say. They will appreciate that you care about what they have to say. It also goes along with the idea of being open with one another. If they truly feel like you are listening, they will want to talk to you about other things in their life, including your relationship.