How Visualization Can Work for You?

Author Elizabeth Daniels From Things I wish I’d known before we got married 7 years ago 10206

“Everyone visualizes whether he knows it or not. Visualizing is the great secret of success.” - Genevieve Behrend

Visualization is a key component of the Law of Attraction. Visualization means you have to see yourself having what you want in your mind in order to get what you want in your life. There are two general ways that people visualize. Some people see vivid pictures. Other people just get a general sense of the image. Both ways work so long as you make yourself a part of the image, seeing and experiencing everything as if you were really there.

Your subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between what is real and imagined. The more real you can make your visualization, the more your subconscious mind will believe it is reality and work towards transforming the world around you to match your visualization.Additionally, making your visualization as vivid and real as possible engages your emotions and senses, which amplifies the power of the Law of Attraction to help you create your relationship even faster.

The Correct Way to Use Visualization

Like all things involving the Law of Attraction, visualization is a key component to manifesting a specific person, but not just any type of visualization works. Successful manifesting depends on the correct application of visualization.

When most people use visualization, they do it as if they are watching themselves up on a movie screen.They see themselves going through the motions, being warmly greeted by others, being wrapped in a loving embrace, and so on.

This isn't the way to use visualization to manifest a love relationship. It isn't even the correct way to use visualization for anything you want to attract through the Law of Attraction.

Law of Attraction visualization techniques aren't like your ordinary meditation or visualization techniques. Law of Attraction visualization is more than just using your mind to create a mental image of you realizing your goal.

It isn't seeing yourself up on a movie screen.

It isn't thinking about your desire.

It isn't about mind energy at all.

Law of Attraction visualization is about your heart...and using heart energy to create. (I'll cover heart energy in more detail later in the chapter on How to Use Heart Energy to Manifest a Specific Person, so don't worry if it seems a little vague right now.)

You see, when Law of Attraction visualization is done correctly to manifest a specific person, it's like a love affair. You are in the scene, seeing through your eyes, hearing through your ears, tasting through your mouth ...

You aren't watching a picture from the outside. You are living the experience as if it was as real as you are now, as real as the screen on which you are reading these words... It's as if your visualization is your only reality.

Let me give you an example. If you saw yourself up on a movie screen, you would see yourself being greeted by your love. You would see the two of you hugging, etc. With Law of Attraction visualization, you hear your love greet you. You feel goose bumps on your arms at the sound of his voice. You feel her arms around you, holding you close. You smell his skin, feel her breath on your neck... You make it as vividly real as possible, so real that it FEELS as if you have stepped into an alternate reality where it really is taking place.

“All transformation begins with an intense, burning desire to be transformed. The first step in the 'renewing of the mind’ is desire. You must want to be different [and intend to be] before you can begin to change yourself. Then you must make your future dream a present fact. You do this by assuming the feeling of your wish fulfilled. By desiring to be other than what you are, you can create an ideal of the person you want to be and assume that you are already that person. If this assumption is persisted in until it becomes your dominant feeling the attainment of your ideal is inevitable.” - Neville Goddard

A Visualization Example

One of the easiest ways to experience Law of Attraction visualization correctly is to lie in your bed. Close your eyes and relax completely.

Imagine you are lying in bed with your special person.

Feel the sheets on your skin...the pillow under your head. Smell the determent used to wash your sheets.

Feel the gentle breeze coming in through your window as it drifts over your skin. Hear your partner breathing softly next to you...

Slowly turn your head and see him/her lying next to you. Reach over and brush your hand slowly over their cheek. Feel the warmth and softness of their skin. See their eyes slowly open as they smile at you. Know that this is yours. You have the relationship you want with the person you want.

Really immerse yourself in the scene. Make it as detailed as you would like and for as long as you like.

Think from your Law of Attraction visualization, not about it. Put yourself in the picture. See it through your eyes. Engage all your senses. Feel the touch of the sheets and the breeze on your skin. Smell anything you can - perhaps there's a fire in a fireplace or sweet-scented jasmine outside the window. Hear your partner breathing, the crackle of the fire, or the breeze rustling the leaves in the bushes.

Savor the moment.

Feel at one with the vision.

Give it a lot of love.

Stay connected to it and let the Universe make it happen. Just enjoy the ride.

“Nothing can prevent your picture from coming into concrete form except the same power which gave it birth-yourself.” -Genevieve Behrend

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