How to Make Your Visualizations More Powerful?

Author Elizabeth Daniels From Manifesting Love- How to use the law of attraction to attract a specific person. Get your ex back and have have the relationship of your dreams 7 years ago 10557

If you want to make your visualizations even stronger and work faster, then you'll have to use the following techniques. This involves scripting the visualization. Basically, you're going to write out a detailed scene involving you and your specific person doing something that you would enjoy doing once you're together. Feel free to expand on the visualization above if it's easier for you. If there's anything on the relationship list you created earlier describing your ideal relationship that would work in your visualization, by all means, use it. Moreover, the following aspect shall be paid attention to when making your visualization.

1.Present Tense

When you write your visualization, use the present tense.

For example, if the person you want to manifest is named Greg, you could write,

“I see Greg lying next to me.”

You want to use the present tense because you want to create this now. If you write, “I will see Greg lying next to me,” you’re telling the Universe that one day, maybe 20 years from now, he’ll be lying next to you. Do you really want to wait 20 years to attract the love of your dreams? I didn’t think so.

2.How Long

Your written visualization doesn't have to be very long. Just a paragraph or two will work. You don't want it to be so long that it becomes a chore to read it every day, or that you have trouble finding enough time to read it.

3.Using Your Visualization

Once you have written your visualization, its going to become a part of daily manifesting routine. It’s pretty simple and won't take long, so don't worry.

All you have to do is read your visualization out loud every morning and night for at least 21 days straight. You may certainly manifest your guy or gal before then, but 21 straight days can really shift your vibrational energy.

Studies have shown that it takes 21 consecutive days for us to make permanent change in our lives, such as developing new habits. What we’re doing here is not only using the Law of Attraction to create the love of your dreams, but to also put you in a position where you are energetically ready to receive the person you want.

Again, you can manifest your love in less than 21 days, but don't get discouraged if you don't. Keep doing the visualization and you will succeed.

“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions.” - Albert Einstein

4.Adding Energy

When reading the visualization, make sure you use a lot of energy. Be excited and happy. Make it really uplifting.

Smiling when you speak is an easy way to automatically add energy to your visualization. You can also go for a brisk walk or do some jumping jacks beforehand; just make sure you're not out of breath when you read the visualization.

Listening to music that gets you really happy also works really well. Feel free to have music playing softly in the background while you read the visualization.

5.Secret to Success

For this visualization to work, you need to be enthusiastic and motivated when you read it. You need to love the visualization.

It's easy to feel this way when you first start because you’re so excited and full of energy. But over time, you might start feeling bored or apathetic when you read the visualization.

This doesn't happen to everyone and it may not happen to you.

But if it does, it’s really important that you find a way to get your energy back up. The higher your energy is when you listen to it, the faster and more certain it will work.

Try changing your routine ...working out before you listen... or really setting the mood by lighting candles and playing music.

6.Recording Your Visualization

If you prefer, you can record the visualization and listen to it following the guidelines above. You can even listen to it while in your car.

When doing the recording, you might want to switch to the second person (“you”), as if you’re speaking to yourself. For example, if the person you want to manifest is named Charlie, you could say, “You see Charlie lying next to you.”

You can also add your name to the visualization if you want. So if your name is Mary, you might say, “Mary, you feel Charlie’s arms wrap around you, pulling you so close to him in a tight embrace.”

“Live your life in a sublime spirit of confidence and determination; disregard appearances, conditions, in fact all evidence of your sense that deny the fulfillment of your desire. Rest in the assumption that you are ready what you want to be.”- Neville Goddard

7.Creating a Vision Board

A vision board is a great way to raise your vibrational energy and get in vibrational alignment to manifest love with a specific person. It allows you to get your creative juices flowing, explore what you want, and most importantly, to have fun. As we've already discussed, you know that having fun is a great way to draw your love relationship to you fast.

Vision boards can be done either as a poster or as a note-book. If you're doing it as a poster, you'll need poster board or a large piece of paper. If you're making a vision board notebook, you'll need a blank page in a notebook.

For both - posters and notebooks - you’ll need scissors, magazines, and either glue or tape.

Actually making the vision board is simple - you’re just going to go through the magazines and cut out all the piccures that positively remind you of your relationship and things you would like to do with your special person. It could be pictures of a couple dancing, a vacation you would like to take together, a wedding ring...whatever speaks to you.

Once you have your pictures selected, attach them to your poster board or notebook.

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