“Being relaxed, at peace with yourself, confident, emotionally neutral, loose and free floating-these are the keys to successful permanence in almost everything you do”- Wayne Dyer
If more than half a year has gone by and you haven't heard from your ex, it's high time for you to stop and think about whether you really want him back. Is he truly someone you can't live without? Do you still want to be with him? If the answer is yes, then you can send him a casual email or text. "Casual" means something that will make him feel relaxed rather than nervous. For example, you can send him a message stating, "I've just saw the film 'The Pursuit of Happiness'and it made me think of you. Hope you're doing well."
It's a friendly and non-treatening message that is hard for your ex not to answer. If you've been consistently using relevant techniques, a response can come fast. If you don't get a response, then you aren't vibrating at a level that will allow the Law of Attraction to bring you a response. Perhaps you're afraid of what will happen after he responds or you're still angry at him for not being with you.
It's very important that you raise your energy to where you're okay with what happened, what is happening and what will happen. You really have to release the bad feelings such as resentment, anger, fear and controlling. Find good feelings and hold onto them as long as you can.
You are suggested to check waht you really want in your ideal relationship again. You need to really think about your ideal person and relationship. It's not about your ex. but the exact person you could have if you could waive a magic wand and create a person who is everything you could possibly want.
Take the new list of what you want in an ideal person and relationship to compare with the one you previously wrote. Just to check if you had anything new to add into.And you shall refect that are these qualities that your ex could possess? By comparing, you should decide if your ex. is still someone you want to be with or if you want someone better if you want to be with your ex, keep using the techniques of the Law of Attraction and keep your vibration higher! If you want someone else, you can still use relevant techniques to draw someone new into your life. It's possible that your ex. will come back when you start focusing on someone new. Focusing on your ideal person could release attachment and raise your vibration to the level needed to attract your ex. back. It will then be up to you to decide if your ex. is now a match to your ideal person and worth keeping or is you should toss them, to meet and get you real prince.