Why Do Women Love A Confident Man?

Author Jordan Alexo From I Am A Sexy Motherfucker-Learn the fine art of attracting women easily and naturally 7 years ago 10193

Studies have proven that women are subconsciously hard-wired to seek confident and dominant man. They are perceived by them as being men of higher status or at least with the potential of becoming one.

A lot of this internalization has been a process of millions of years of evolution. When you think about it. It makes sense that in our hunting and gathering society women would seek men displaying this type of behavior.

Because a confident man would be able to more efficiently bring home food and protect his woman against predators and enemy tribes. On the other hand, a coward man would most certainly run away from any sight of danger leaving her behind.

In fact, most women need to feel safe and secure in order to achieve orgasm. I guess that says a lot! This means only a confident man is able to provide them this sense.

Even though, women nowadays no longer need your protection nor support. As they can earn as much money as men do, and easily get a handgun at least in the US.

However, these are all very recent social changes happened mostly in the last three decades. Otherwise men were always the main providers and protectors since the dawn of mankind.

And honestly if shit ever hits the fen for instance we enter in a new dark age sirmlar to the one shown in TV series, “The Walking Dead Series” of course without the zombies. Where humanity is trying to survive against all odds.

I bet men and women roles in society would become once clearer and quite similar to the ones our ancestors had.

The problem is nowadays the roles aren’t well define so most men are obviously confused on what attracts women. Even worse, when they start listening to these groups of radical feminist giving them advice.

However, understand women are still hard-wired to feel attracted to confident and dominant man. It's not a choice!

But the problem is the majority of the men are acting as submissive teddy bears. That are commonly more insecure, emotional and needy than the women they date.

For women this feels as they were dating another girl. I think it is easy to assume that women aren't attracted to other women. At least, heterosexual ones. Otherwise, they would date another women and not a man.

It is the same as for most men whenever they see a body building woman. She looks more as a man than a woman. We instantly feel disgusted. Now imagine dating her, she simply wouldn't make you homy. The same applies when men act as nice guys. They just don't make women feel horny.

If you consider yourself a nice guy then I know this might seem very painful to her. Like someone punched you in the balls or something. But don't worry, if it makes you feel better then I admit I used to be one too.

It was only by hearing brutally honest advice from other people. After years of failing with women and seeing several of my buddies too, that I was able to change my approach to dating. I realized women just don't like nice guys and I had to stop being one for my own good sake.

Hopefully, my advice will also have the same effect on you.

Another aspect a lot of guys seem to get wrong whenever I tell them to be more dominant and confident is they often assume this is the same as being macho. In other words, an overly controlling man, who thinks showing any sign of weakness is not manly. So most guys are afraid of following my advice. However, what I am saying is very different than being a macho.

A man is confident and dominant for being able to take risks and by establishing his personal boundaries.

This means being able to speak your mind even though some people may not agree and end up disliking you.

It is accepting you have desires and fears. For instance, telling a girl you find her beautiful and desire her. Or, expressing openly to others, such as your fear of doing skydiving because your parachute may not open. Instead of hiding your fear behind a bunch of excuses.

It is not allowing others to disrespect you. Being willing to put them in their right place even if that means them stop talking to you.

It is leading women sexually. Also being an inspiration that others want to voluntarily follow. Now that won't happen one day to another of course. However as you may see, this is very different than forcing women to comply, or trying to hide your weaknesses with a bunch of macho excuses.

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