She Left for Too Much of His Fears

Author Sofia Price From Jealousy: How To Overcome Jealousy, Insecurity and Trust Issues- Save Your Relationship, Love Life and Emotions (5th Edition) 7 years ago 10756

Often, people who are jealous have fears. They fear losing what is dear to them. They fear not measuring up when no one is actually measuring them. They go to extreme lengths in their relationships because of the fears that they hold. For example, there was a couple, and the husband would not allow his wife to talk to males. There was no question of her doing that because it was made clear at the beginning of the relationship that he didn’t accept that kind of behavior. What happened from then on was that things went from bad to worse.

She was not allowed to look at other people in restaurants. She wasn’t allowed to telephone anyone male, and that included a family friend in his nineties! If that isn’t irrational enough, she was accused of having an affair if she was seen looking at another male when she was out shopping. It all boiled down to a lack of self-confidence and fear of losing the relationship, which were very real fears. Instead of trying to find out why those fears were dominating his life, the man continued to hound his wife with his jealous questions until she couldn’t take any more and did the very thing that he feared the most — she left.

What Killed The Relationship?

Jealousy killed the relationship, and it has been guilty of killing millions of relationships since time began. People cannot live a life where they feel there is no trust; there is no room to breathe, and they feel like they are being suffocated. Unfortunately, jealous people do just that. They hold onto their belief about how the relationship should be manifested, and when their partner doesn’t react in a way that they expect, jealousy kicks in.

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