How Will You Set the Scene for Your Women?

Author Bradley Martin From Sex: Every Man’s Guide to Make Her Orgasm and Equally Satisfied 7 years ago 10590

If you’re not living with your woman, you’re probably like most guys. You don’t really give an actual rat’s ass about the way your place looks. There may even be car parts on the dining room table. Your bed will not only probably not be made, it will probably have a large dog laying in the middle of it, licking its balls.

No, dude. Not romantic. When your woman comes to your home and you want to seduce her like the Orgasmatronic love god you are, you need to clean up the home front. If you’re not willing to do that, your women should never see the inside of your home. I’m just being honest, here. Nothing turns a woman off quicker than stepping into a world of smelly socks, unmade beds, holey, stanky towels and dirty dishes.

You can do way better than that. Start with clean. (Seriously, this is the minumum effort you should make). The bed, especially, should be made up qith clean sheets, dog free and put in some semblance of order. There should be covers on the pillows. Vacuum the rugs. Wash the dishes. Make it look fit for human habitation, especially of the female variety.

Women like it when you make an effort. Cleanliness is the absolute minumum effort you should make if you’re living solo and expecting your honey to come over for a night of love. You won’t get far if your place is a nightmare vision of hell that looks like the herd from the Walking Dead just shambled through there.

But to set the scene for a night of fun with your woman, you need to do a little more. Whether you live together or apart, women love it when you make an effort to please their romantic natures. If you live together, surprise her when she gets home. Have the lights low. Have the candles lit and have the bath drawn. You can hold the rose petals. Nobody expects you to get that detailed.

Lay out the sex toys. Pull down the covers and put on the music. Present her with a glass of wine, as she walks through the door. Be dressed, not to impress, but to appeal. You want her looking you up and down and thinkg “yum”, the minute she walks in the door. Look hot, my brothers.

You don’t even have to cook; if that’s something you such at. In fact, if you such at cooking, just don’t. Order in! Make it something sensual, like Thai or Indian food. Something that’s not too heavy, so you’re primed for a night of erotic fun and not overstuffed.

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