Use Massage to Enhance Lovemaking

Author Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau From A Celebration of Sex 7 years ago 12205

Massage will help you as a couple feel more sensuous and close. By its very relaxing and nurturing nature, it will be an aphrodisiac to your sex life. Massage can't help but teach you to be a more gentle and sensitive lover and bring you as one-flesh companions into a more bonded, caring, and stress-free relationship.

Here are some suggestions for applying the massage techniques you are mastering to more erogenous loveplay. please keep in mind that you can destroy the soothing, sensuous experience of massage if you keep it too erotically charged. Overall, let the occasional surges of sexual feelings that come with such an intimate activity be enjoyed but not acted upon. That is why it may be wise to strategically drape your partner's body as you focus on relaxing and nurturing. Designate the times when the massage will be a prelude or part of making love and when it will be a separate event.

In the following activities, use plenty of warmed oil because the massage will be on tender areas of the body. All focus on nongenital erogenous zones and may be activities you choose to do in beginning loveplay as you increase arousal. Making love to your mate's body is such an exciting and varied process. Massage emphasizes this fact in fun and sensual ways.

Circular Sensuality

Begin a gentle, circular stroking of the chest area, starting at the collarbone and shoulder area. Use both hands in a wide, circular motion. Slowly, an inch at a time, lower the circle and massage down over the abdomen, over the pubic area, until the movements are circling the genital area with the top end of the circle on the pubic bone and the lower end over the thighs. Now start the circle moving back up to the upper chest again. Thi s can be very arousing visually and sensually as you allow your hands to follow the contours of the body with fingers and palms lightly caressing. Don't linger on nipples or the genital area—just keep rhythmic, sensual motions.


Have your partner lie on his or her stomach, and begin with a kneading motion on the left thigh, starting at the knee and working up over the buttocks area to the lower back. Now sensuously knead the right thigh in the same fashion. Have your partner roll over, and knead from knee to pelvic bone. Do this softly, but squeeze the flesh in a full way that manipulates the thigh and genital area as you knead.

Intimate Fan Stroking

Have your partner lie on his or her stomach, and stand (if your partner is on a table) or kneel between your part-ners legs, facing the buttocks. Begin with the palms of your hands on the calf of the back of one leg (placed slightly to-ward the inner part of the leg) and fingers pointing upward toward the buttocks. Slowly push up with the heel of the palm in a firm stroke and do a fan motion with your fingers up over the leg to the outer side and back down. Slowly work your way up the thighs toward the buttocks an inch or two at a time as you repeat the fan motion until the top of the stroke is fanning gently down over the outer back/abdomen and hip area. Then do the other leg.

Sensual Stroking

Sit or stand beside your partner, who is lying facedown, and do a sequential stroke beginning at the left knee and working your way up almost in a wavelike motion—gently stroking at the inner thigh in a hand-over-hand sensuous rhythm that is relaxing and erotically arousing. You can continue this sequential stroking in a sideways fashion up over the buttocks area and the back. Switch to the right side and come back down to the knee. Have your partner roll over. Begin at the top of the chest and work down the side of the body over the abdomen, pubic area, and inner thighs. Switch sides and repeat from thighs up to the chest. (Try this with knuckling for a different sensation.)

Skin Tingles

Have your partner lie on his or her stomach. Start at the base of the skull with one hand and slowly move it, hardly touching the skin, in one continuous brush stroke down the body to the ankles and very softly back up, conforming to the contours of the body. Repeat several times, going down the right and left sides of the body. Now with your fingertips, lightly stroke all over the body as the skin tingles.

Have your mate roll over and face up. Do small, circular motions lightly with both hands over the whole body from face to feet for several minutes. Hardly touch the skin with very light strokes on the chest, breasts, abdomen, shoulders, thighs, legs, hands—the whole front of the body. This exercise is very sensually arousing and can awaken and stim-ulate the skin. Finish by lightly stroking with the fingertips.

Let massage be another way of enjoying your one-flesh companionship. Don't get too technical, but practice enough to become comfortable. You may wish to buy a whole book on massage and learn more specific ways to relax and stimulate various parts of the body. Go to a bookstore, look over what is available, and pick one that meets your needs. You also may want to invest in a massage table, or make one, as my missionary friends did. Great lovers have mastered the art of sensuous touching. Massage is a marvelous way to develop that skill as you relieve stress and grow more intimately connected to your mate in the process.

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