When You Have the Fear of Inadequacy

Author Joyce Meyer From Living Beyond Your Feelings 7 years ago 11765

Many of our fears are rooted in insecurity and self-doubt. What do you think of yourself? I encourage you to work with the Holy Spirit to see yourself the way God sees you. There is no power without confidence. Are you afraid that God is not pleased with you? Do you regularly invent all your faults, past failures, and weaknesses, and then feel weak due to fear? If you do, then you are focusing on the wrong thing.

God gives us His power (grace) to enable us to do what is needed in spite of our weeknesses. In fact, the Bible says that His power is made perfect and displays itself best through our weaknesses. God purposely chooses the weak and foolish things of the world to work through so that we will give Him the glory for what is being done. God wants to amaze the world, and one of the ways He does that is by accomplishing great things through people who are weak and don’t have the natural ability to complete the task at hand.

When God called Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and into the Promised Land, Moses gave one excuse after another as to why he could not obey. All his excuses were rooted in fear. Only faith pleases God. At one point God got so angry with Moses that He actually threatened to kill him unless he obeyed. Moses finally did take a step of faith, which manifested in obedience, and he was used mightily by God.

Jeremiah was a young man called of God to do mighty things, but he too cowered in fear. God eventually told Jeremiah that is he let the fear of man rule him, God would allow him to be overcome and defeated in front of them.

I experienced a lot of fear about myself, so if you are in that place right now, I can assure you that I know how you “feel”. But, I am encouraging you to remember that your feelings don’t convey truth; only God’s Word does. You may feel that you are not what you are supposed to be, that you are strange to unusual, but the truth is we are all uniquely created by God for a special purpose and should learn how to enjoy ourselves rather than being tormented by all kinds of fears of inadequacy.

I wasted some years trying to be like other people I knew, but I found that God won’t help us be anyone other than ourselves. Relax, learn to love yourself, and don’t be afraid that you won’t be able to do what you need to do. The truth is that none of us can do what we need to do without God’s help. If we look at only what we think we can do, we will all be frightened; but if we look at Jesus and focus on Him, He will give us the courage to go forward even in the presence of fear.

Start today managing the emotion of fear, and you will progress toward the best God has for you.

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