Various forms and types of exercises supposed to be prepared for a female for better and more intense orgasms are suggested in this passage. The idea behind using exercises in sex - sexercises in another term, is to get the female prepare for a better orgasm. As it has been established before, orgasm starts way before the real act. Hence, let us see if exercising in a certain way or in certain positions are worth anything or not.
When your woman feel horny
The first exercise is a basic one which females generally perform when they are feeling horny. The right hand of the female is clamped down on their vaginal part with the left hand going all the way around their waist, across their hips to rejoin with the right one down there. Thereby, it looks like the female is trying to adjust her panties with both her hands. The next step in this process involves the female trying to tighten her hands and pull them upwards, with the vagina acting as a barrier to the hand-arrangement. This form of exercise goes a long way in ensuring that the female is wet enough for the main performance. It has been noted that most females anyway perform this exercise when they’re alone and are feeling horny.
Kegel exercises
Kegel exercises are known all over the globe for facilitating female orgasms. Kegel exercises are specifically designed to pave an easy route for female orgasms. In this, the pelvic muscles are put to use and are efficiently made to function in a way that helps females achieve powerful orgasms. Let me first introduce you to the concept of how a Kegel exercise works in general. Have you ever had to hold your pee in public? If yes, then you are somewhat familiar with the concept of a Kegel exercise. Your pelvic muscles are so connected to your urinary tracts and abdomen that they end up assuming control of the same. Pelvic muscles are directly associated with the control and regulation of your urine. Not just with females, the scenario is similar in the human male also.
In order to perform a Kegel exercise, the female partner must first try to pee first. When the urine is felt to be almost arriving through the vaginal tract, they must try to control it with their pelvic muscles. They may find the process to be difficult at first, but with sufficient practice and ample time, they will be able to master controlling their urine effectively. The pelvic muscles that are attached to your bladder help you assume control of your urine flow. When you have practiced enough you will realize that you are able to regulate the flow successfully.
Another great exercise is rubbing. Rubbing the pubic region of the vagina is a good way to prepare the female for an intense and satisfying orgasm. The female vagina is like a flower bud. You cannot force the bud to blossom into a flower all of a sudden. You have to nourish it with water, minerals and sunlight and then allow it some time to flower. Similarly, the human vagina also needs some time to be spent on it. If you rush through with the process, you will be killing the very idea behind performing exercises. A simple rubbing session is bound to kick start what will eventually turn into a satisfying orgasmic experience for your woman.
Man has learnt languages and in the process earned the technique of using his tongue to great use. However, most men still do not know the power of a tongue that is not restricted to speaking. You as a male can do wonders with your tongue, and not just by speaking sweetly to your partner. The tongue, as opposed to what it may seem like, is a strong muscle in your body. When used effectively, it can make a woman go crazy. Sit your woman down or for better results, ask her to lie down on the bed with her legs open. Surprise her by going down on her instead of going for the regular penetration. Start by slowly rubbing the pubic region and gently move towards the clitoris. Hold the vaginal lips with your hands and parch them open. You will realize that by now the vagina is dripping wet. This is your green signal.
Use your tongue
Use your tongue in a circular manner at first and then in an inserting manner later to achieve best results of eating the pussy. You will be amazed to learn that your tongue has better chances of inducing an orgasm than your penis does. Make sure that you lick the outside of the vagina clean before entering deeper. Do not be monotonous about the whole business by adopting a singular motion. Try bringing variety to your actions and alternate between circular, horizontal and other positions. Make it spicier by asking her if she would like to perform the legendary 69 position. That way, both of you get satisfied at the same time. There are certain things that you need to keep in mind though. Do not use teeth if the female partner is not comfortable with it. For all you know, you could be turning her off by doing it. Second, make sure that you do not overdo the licking. Some women get easily bored with just one sort of sexual arousal.Eating a female is always tricky as you stand the chance of turning her body off by doing it all wrong. However, with sufficient practice and enough experience, you should be good to go.
The purpose of sex exercises, in other words - Sexercises, is that the female body needs to be prepared for the ultimate act - Sex. Just like every motorbike needs to be heated up a little by kickstarting it every winter morning, the female body needs a little warm up game before it can get ready to move ahead to better and more intense form of carnal activity. When put to the right use, sex exercises can go a long way in ensuring that your female partner is set up appropriately for a powerful orgasm.