• Top Reasons to Come to China in Golden Autumn

    With the withering of typhoon Hato and Kappa occuring a week ago in South China, temperatures here fell a little and weather here is gradualling cooling. All reminds the editor that beautiful Autumn is coming. Autumn is a season for harvest, for reflection and for travelling in China. This passage introduces top reasons to come to China in Golden Autumn.1. Good weather to enjoy.As August e
    juliana 7 years ago 11365
  • Do You Have Righteous Anger?

    The Bible speaks of righteous anger, which is anger against all sin and everything that offends God. Abuse and injustice of all kinds make me angry. I get angry at the devil when I see children starving in India, Asia, Africa and other places I have traveled to for mission outreaches.Even God has righteous anger! God got angry when He saw the hardness of His people’s hearts. Thankfully,
    Joyce Meyer 7 years ago 12067
  • The Wise Men’s Mind Instructs Their Mouth

    The Bible speaks of wise men and foolish men. It says that the fool’s mouth is his ruin, and his lips are a snare to him (see Prov. 18:7). A person would need to be foolish indeed to use her own mouth and words to ruin her own life, but people do it all the time. Why? Simply because they don’t understand the power of words. We know that our words impact other people, but we do realize
    Joyce Meyer 7 years ago 8096
  • Do You Believe the Best of Every Person?

    The hurtful and disappointing things people do are among the things that tend to stir up our emotions. Since we cannot control what others do or a lot of the circumstances of our lives, we need to look for ways to quiet our emotions concerning those things. The Bible teaches us to always believe the best of every person (see 1 Cor. 13:7). If we let our thoughts lead us, they usually tend
    Joyce Meyer 7 years ago 11763
  • Are You Slave to Your Feelings?

    Maybe you’re thinking, I have so many strong emotions; how am I going to manage them all? I have found that God usually deals with me one issue at a time. By reading passages relevant to how you’re going to manage your feelings, you are gaining an overall understanding of emotions and, hopefully, why you feel the way you feel at times. You are learning that you must first and foremos
    Joyce Meyer 7 years ago 13340
  • Do You Have Sinful Anger?

    What is the difference between apparently innocent emotions that are just a part of life and emotions that are sinful? Unacceptable and sinful anger is that which motivates us to hurt our fellow human being. When we want to lash out vengefully and inflict pain on others, we are definitely out of God’s will. Not even the injustice of others gives us the right to inflict pain on them. God
    Joyce Meyer 7 years ago 9405
  • What A Bad Day Harry Talking & Does Make It So!

    Harry got up yesterday morning and felt a little down. He didn’t understand why he felt the way he did, and he began to complain to his wife. He said, “I don’t know why I feel so down today. I think I’m getting depressed. And this is not a good day for a bad mood because I have a presentation to make at work that will determine whether or not we get that new account I told you abou
    Joyce Meyer 7 years ago 8243
  • You Can Choose to Do it or to Be Miserable

    Most of us, you probably wish there was an easier way to live, but there isn’t. So you might as well decide to do things God’s way or be miserable. We usually try to take all the easy paths, but they all lead to destruction. The Bible describs those paths as “broad” because a lot of effort isn’t required to remain on them. We are encouraged by God to take the narrow path, the mor
    Joyce Meyer 7 years ago 8157
  • Is Life too Short to be Ordinary or Is Life really too Hard?

    As relevant news published on August 22nd, 2017, Zhang Yingying, a chinese girl working as a visiting scholar in University of Illinois missing on June 9th of this years hadn’t been found yet. Her family members even petitioned American national leaders to give them help to find her in a press conference. During the press conference held three days ago, relevant officials from the Univer
    Juliana 7 years ago 10906
  • Moving forward beyond Depression

    At this moment in time, you may not believe that it is possible to move on, although of course, it is. The fact that you fill your mind with worry doesn’t make an iota of difference to people that you meet. Their lives will go on regardless. Your depression is self-destructive. It is only you that suffers from it in the long term. Thus, this book has gone through ways to replace negati
    Joanna Jackson 7 years ago 10025

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