• Do You Know the Difference between Condemnation and Conviction?

    We must learn the difference between condemnation and true conviction from God that we have done something wrong. Condemnation presses us down and manifests as a heavy burden that requires us to pay for our errors. Conviction is the work of the Holy Spirit, who is showing us that we have sinned and inviting us to confess our sins, to receive forgiveness and God’s help to improve our be
    Joyce Meyer 7 years ago 7908
  • How Much Do You Understand about Guilt?

    Guilt is a sense of responsibility concerning something negative that has befallen others or yourself. It is a feeling of regret over some action taken or not taken. Guilt is a terrible feeling to bear. We are not built for guilt, and it damages our souls and personalities - even our health. Guilt steals our peace and joy. It can become a prison without a key.Guilt leaves us with a sense o
    Joyce Meyer 7 years ago 12071
  • What Can You Learn from Lily’s Repressed Anger?

    Anger expressed inappropriately will be a problem and so is repressed anger. Repressed anger means anger stuffed inside and not dealt with properly but it will eventually come out one way or another. It may show up in negative emotions such as depression, anxiety, rage or any other negative forms and it can even manifest in sickness and disease. When dealing improperly, anger will eventual
    Joyce Meyer 7 years ago 11328
  • How Guilt Relates to Anger?

    Guilt is one of the root causes of anger. We inherently know that we are not built for guilt. We may not consciously realize it, but our system rebels against it. God wants us to feel loved and accepted, and for that reason we are told again and again in His Word that He loves us unconditionally. Even when we were still in our sin and before we cared about God at all or even attempted to
    Joyce Meyer 7 years ago 11351
  • Can You Control Something for A Change?

    It’s no wonder that we humans want to control things... there’s so much that’s out of control. We like to control something for a change. But unfortunately, rather than bothering to try to control ourselves, we usually try to control what we should not control. I spent years trying to control the people in my life as well as all my circumstances because I was afraid of being hurt o
    Sheila Wray Gregoire 7 years ago 8299
  • How You Respond When You Say “I Feel Excited about This!”?

    Excitement is a good feeling; we all enjoy it. Sometimes we need the fule of excitement to help us enjoy a thing, but at other times if we make serious decisions based on excitement alone, it can cause trouble.Excitement might be referred to as impulse that is a sudden urge to do a thing. The Bible tells us that catering to impulse is a sign of spiritual immaturity and is not pleasing to G
    Joyce Meyer 7 years ago 9964
  • Do You Have Similar Thoughts as Mark Always Does?

    Your Thoughts Are Your Fuel for Feeling.You, who try the hearts and emotions and thinking powers, are a righteous God. (Psalms 7:9)Emotions and thoughts are intimately linked to each other. The power of thoughts need to be understood first in order to learn how to manage our emotions. Here this passage introduces Mark as an example to explain why your thoughts are your fuel for feeling? Yo
    Joyce Meyer 7 years ago 13365
  • If You were Samuel, Which Would You Choose?

    When you graduate, you’re confronting with many dilemmas and one of the key choice is to choose a city to live and pursue your dream. Which one will you choose? To live in a small city with a stable job and peaceful life or to live in a big city with a highly-paid job but heavy pressure?Samuel is a graduate with two master degrees from two well-known unversities. By the time of graduatio
    Juliana 7 years ago 7691
  • Is It A Perception or Reality?

    Have you ever heard the statment “Perception is reality”? If we perceive that we’re in jeopardy, then whether or not it’s actually true, we behave as if it’s true. Your behavior shapes the quality of your lives. We’ve all heard about people who lived like paupers, living out their final years without decent food, clothing, and shelter because they were worried about finances. T
    Joyce Meyer 7 years ago 12974
  • Are You Wise Enough to Say What You Say on Purpose?

    There is a time to talk a time to keep silent. Sometimes the best thing we can do is say nothing. When you do say something, it is wisdom to think first and be purposeful in what you say. If you truly believe that your words are filled with life or death, why wouldn’t you choose what you say more carefully?Even a fool when he holds his peace is considered wise; when he closes his lips
    Joyce Meyer 7 years ago 8544

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