• Life Quality of Asian Girls Nowadays

    With the development of society, especially the impact of education and internationalization, life quality of Asian girls nowdays has improved a lot compared with their mothers and grandmothers generations to some certain degree. Because generally speaking, they are more educated and independent due to widespread execution of the policy of nine-year compulsory education, which helps more
    Juliana 7 years ago 11928
  • Without Enough Reading Ability, You’re Taking to Road to Ruin Abroad

    Nowadays more and more people are moving between different countries as immigrants, travelors or scholars abroad increased rapidly due to the development of internationalization. Therefore, crosscultural communication is of critical importance for those who go abroad. Undoubtedly, reading ability becomes a special key factor deciding how your life quality is when you’re abroad. Especia
    Juliana 7 years ago 9990
  • What Are Your Common Fears?

    One of the strongest and most persistent fears that people experience is the fear that they won’t have what they need. We want to feel safe in every area of life. We want to be secure in our belief that we will have what we need when we need it. We may fear that we will lack adequate finances or companionship, or that we won’t have the necessary strength and ability to achieve the thin
    Joyce Meyer 7 years ago 9501
  • Do You Just Follow Your Surface Feelings?

    There are different levels of feeling, and we need to be able to discern the difference between surface feelings and those things we feel deep in our hearts. There might be times that you may feel deep in your spirit that God wants you to do or not do a thing, and it’s important for your to follow those feelings. There are other more surface feelings that cause you trouble if you follow
    Joyce Meyer 7 years ago 8378
  • Will You Have A Chat with Yourself in A Bad Mood?

    When I realize I am in a bad mood, I often have a chat with myself. I say, “What’s your problem? Look at how blessed you are. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Get your mind on something that will cheer you up and try doing something nice for someone else.” It is amazing what good results I get just from reasoning with myself; you should also try it!The psalmist David asked himself a
    Joyce Meyer 7 years ago 8284
  • When You Have the Fear of Inadequacy

    Many of our fears are rooted in insecurity and self-doubt. What do you think of yourself? I encourage you to work with the Holy Spirit to see yourself the way God sees you. There is no power without confidence. Are you afraid that God is not pleased with you? Do you regularly invent all your faults, past failures, and weaknesses, and then feel weak due to fear? If you do, then you are focu
    Joyce Meyer 7 years ago 11819
  • When You Fail Yourself

    We expect certain things and behaviors from ourselves, and when we fail to live up to those standards, it’s easy to get angry with ourselves. For some people, that anger is deep-seated and longstanding. It is good to have high expectations of yourself, but not unrealistic ones. Perfectionists especially have problems in this area. They want to be perfect - and they never will be. We
    Joyce Meyer 7 years ago 8114
  • How Much Do You Know about Real and Imagined Guilt?

    When you are prone to be guilt, the devil has a field day. I guarantee you that he will definitely take advantage of you by working through others to play on your guilt. They may make you feel that they’ll suffer greatly if you don’t do as they ask our response must be to follow your own intuition from God and not take responsiblity for their joy. You may have elderly parents who will
    Joyce Meyer 7 years ago 8144
  • Jenny Is Finally out of Despair

    Yesterday morning Jenny hushed to dress herself up and went to work in a hurry, as she always does. The hot weather made her a little unpatient and uncomfortable.Unfortunately, as she drove her car in a worried state, a car accident happened on her road to work and she had to switch to another lane. Therefore, she was later for work. What’s worse, her boss told her that she needn’t wen
    Juliana 7 years ago 8041
  • What is Fear?

    Fear is an emotion that we often experience. Some fear is healthy and keeps us out of trouble. The fear of stepping out into oncoming traffic and the fear of putting your hand into a hot fire are healthy fears. It might be better to say that those insights are wisdom. If a person is having chest pains radiating down the arm, he should be afraid to ignore it. It is a warning that something
    Joyce Meyer 7 years ago 10843

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