• When You’re Out of Gas

    If we need gasoline (fuel) for our automobiles and pull into a station only to find a sign that reads SORRY, OUT OF GAS, we are disappointed, but we go look for another gas station. I think the devil needs to find an OUT OF GAS sign on our minds when he comes to cause trouble in our lives. He can always find someone who will entertain his poisonous thoughts, but you can let him know that
    Joyce Meyer 7 years ago 7795
  • Is Anger a Sin?

    Many Christians are confused about anger. They think that as godly individuals they should never get angry. They wonder why they keep having to deal with anger when it’s something they don’t want to feel. Anger can be an involuntary response whether we want to feel it or not. A person with damaged emotions from past trauma or abuse may, and probably will, respond in a self-protective
    Joyce Meyer 7 years ago 9340
  • Practice Being Mindful with Friendship

    When you are able to be mindful, this makes you feel something else as well. You begin to feel empathy. Instead of jumping down someone’s throat because they said something that upset you, you learn to observe and to understand where all of their views come from. You listen but you learn not to judge. Keeping your judgment to yourself and simply accepting people as they are, you are able
    Joanna Jackson 7 years ago 10924
  • Do You Talk Yourself into Success?

    Nobody is successful in any venture by just wishing they would be. Successful people make a plan and talk to themselves about that plan consistently. You can think things on purpose, and if you make what you think about what you want to do, your feelings may not like it, but they will go along. I slept great last night, and when I woke up at 5:00am., I didn’t feel like getting up. It was
    Joyce Meyer 7 years ago 7879
  • You Can Even Practice Mindfulness When Eating

    How many times have you eaten food so quickly you can’t even say what it was that you ate if asked later in the day? So many of us do this because our lives are too stressed out to actually enjoy the food we eat. Did you know that in countries in Europe such as France, they celebrate their food by having a two hour lunch period when everything closes because enjoying food is important to
    Joanna Jackson 7 years ago 9056
  • Have You Ever Tried to Get Along with People Who Are Difficult to Get along with?

    How do you react to people who are rude? Do you respond in love as the Word says we should, or do you join them in their ungodly behavior? Not one of us appreciates irritable and irritating people. One definition of rudeness is being abrupt and unpleasantly forceful. I think there are a lot of people in the world like that today, largely because of the stressful lives most people live. Peo
    Joyce Meyer 7 years ago 7735
  • Do You Always Learn to Wait Well?

    Let endurance and steadfastness and patience have full play and do a thorough work, so that you may be [people] perfectly and fully developed [with no defects], lacking in nothing. (James 1:4)If you have not developed patience, then having to wait may bring out the worst in you. At least that was the case with me until I finnaly realized my emotional reactions were not making things go fas
    Joyce Meyer 7 years ago 7555
  • Have You Practiced Mindfulness to Lift Your Mood?

    You need to do this consciously at first. Whenever you think of something that brings you down, stop yourself. Then look around you. Observe everything. Notice everything. Go for a walk in the garden or in the park and take note of everything that you see. Whenever your mind wanders back to your problems, stop yourself. Look at things that inspire you because these will help you to get out
    Joanna Jackson 7 years ago 8985
  • Are You Ready to Adapt?

    Readily adjust yourself to [people, things] and give yourselves to humble tasks. Never overestimate yourself or be wise in your own conceits.                                                                         &nbs
    Joanna Jackson 7 years ago 8341
  • One Certainty in Life is Change

    Everything changes except God, and letting all the changes in our lives upset us won’t keep them from occuring. People change, circumstances change, our bodies change, our desires and passions change. One certainty in life is change. We don’t mind change if we invite it, but when it comes uninvited, our emotions can easily flare up.John worked for an investment company for thirty-two y
    Joanna Jackson 7 years ago 12407

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