• Love Rituals

    Love is very magic as love between people can produce strong emotions and energy. Be aware that when you practice magic,you have to take responsibility for what you want and what you do. You should be aware that within love, what you wish to others will come back to you even stronger than what you have sent before. And in love magic, only positive action will attain positive outcome! The
    Julie Smith 7 years ago 11381
  • How to Put An Argument to Rest?

    Argument is a word usually used to designate a dispute or a fight.It is unavoidable in any kinds of relationships from a critical thinking perspective.If you has realzied the misconception that in many arguments condition in a relationship, many couples consider apologizing as a sign of weakness. When you have the courage to overcome this misconcetpion,you're reading to take actions
    Jordan Gray 7 years ago 17628
  • Will You Let Arguments Get Over by Apologizing?

    Sometimes life poses us with unexpected problems or situations hard for us to deal with. And then we are facing with arguments, disagreements and conflicts we have to deal with. Especially when we are in an intimate relationship, arguments are unavoidable. If we don't deal with them reasonably, troubles may occur.In a relationship, arguments are nothing short of draining. They affect y
    Jordan Gray 7 years ago 14312
  • Don't Go to Bed Angry

    Do you get it all solved before bedtime or do you sometimes go to bed angry with your mate? According to relevant study on happly couples married and love for so many years till their late 70's. One of the similar reasons for their happiness is that they never go to bed angry. Interviews with couples married 50 to 60 years suggests that the moral of this advice goes deeper than just a
    Sofia Price 7 years ago 15336
  • How to Open up Your Woman?

    Sometimes when your woman feels tired from work or she feels a little low in mood, then she may be closed off to you. Under such case, she needs to feel your strength as she wants to know that you will be able to handle whatever she throws at you. Hereby, three main ways are suggested for men to open their woman.1. AskYou'd better initiate a conversation with her actively. Ask her to t
    Jordan Gray 7 years ago 17419
  • Be A Kind Lover and You'll Be Deeply Loved

    Just as the old saying "Treat others you would like to be treated" goes, you shall be kind to your partner as you would like to be kind by your partner. Kindness acts just like the oil that makes the engine of our world move more smoothly and with less friction. It’s contagious. Always choose kindness instead of anger and hatred. Be nice and supportive to your partner, if your
    Sofia Price 7 years ago 15324
  • Why Opening Women Emotionally Is Important?

    Due to the gender differences resulted from inherent physical structure difference between men and women or exerted by the society, men are generally expected to be strong, stoic and fearless and this is just symbol of masculine energy while women are often suppressed to be levelheanded rational and calm.Societal suppression to womenIf your partner is told to "stop being so sensitive&
    Jordan Gray 7 years ago 16232
  • Are You A Loving Leader?

    Just like a company needs a leader, a relationship also does. Learning to be a loving leader in your relationship involves in a lot of practices and a good understanding of balance to be maintained.Those of practice include finding and learning to balance different aspects in life,making future plans,etc. Leadship has already become a professional subject as if you lead too aggre
    Jordan Gray 7 years ago 14628
  • How to Express Your Needs in A Respectful Way?

    Compared with women, men are usually more limited in expressing their emotional feelings. Boys are usually not always encouraged to express their needs, wants and feelings very often, just as a pervasive saying "boys don't cry". Moreover, when a man is encouraged to communicate his needs to his partner, he may be misinterpreted.Unlike feminine energy gravitates to fullness,in
    Jordan Gray 7 years ago 15691
  • What Marriage Is Not About (2)?

    To know more essence of marriage,hereby this passage introduces more about marriage isn’t about. You’d better know about them and understand them before you choose to get married or when you are just trying to manage or save your marriage. Learning knowlege below about what marriage is not about will greatly benefit you in managing your partnership and enrich your life.Marriage is NOT:
    Joan Sipll 7 years ago 15876

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