• What Marriage Is Not About (1)?

    As marriage is such a big issue and it involves in so many factors for a couple. It is strongly wise to know more about what marriage is not about. You will keep a reasonable mind to marriage whatever you are going to be married or you’ve already got married or you’re trying to repairing a marriage.Marriage is NOT...About making demands or powering over the other. It's not about YOU.
    Joan Sipll 7 years ago 14204
  • Are You A Driven Man?

    Just as if you want others do favors for you, you shall do favors for youselves  first. If you want the best for your partner, naturally,you both shall play together in the same team to live up to the full potention of both of you.However, how you suggest potential change to your partner may be quite different from how you communicate with your friends of the same gender. For example,
    Jordan Gray 7 years ago 15941
  • How to Become A Great Listener?

    Women and men usually have different understanding of listening due to their gender differences and different emotional requirements. Sometimes men may thought they are just trying to listen really intently to their partner but their partner may even get mad at them. It can be frustrating because when the men thought they were listening but listening means something quite different for t
    Jordan Gray 7 years ago 10038
  • What is Piercing Conversations and What’s the Effects

    A driving force for boosting a relationship’s level of emotional intimacy is something called Piercing Conversations. A Piercing Conversation starts with taking interest in her again, giving her the attention that she deserves, and setting aside regular time to have complete alone time with her.What is a piercing conversation?Brainstorm a list of questions that you want to know about your
    Jordan Gray 7 years ago 14617
  • How will You Rekindle the Spark?

    When you do not have enough time and fun with your partner for a long time, it may be quite possible that the spark and passion between you would be gone or your interest and attraction to your partner is dwindling.Regardless of your financial status or schedule, you can still make out many ways to spice up your relationship by bringing back the fun and more time in it.Spend More Time Toge
    Sofia Price 7 years ago 9891
  • Is Love A Verb or A Noun?

    Love is not a mere feeling. When you feel that your love for your partner is fading, maybe you have stopped doing loving things. Love, above all, is a verb. It is an action word. When you love someone, it is not enough that you feel it, you also have to show it.It is easy to complain about the things that you do not like in your spouse or partner. It is easy to criticize your partner. But
    Sofia Price 7 years ago 13106
  • Why Do Women Love A Confident Man?

    Studies have proven that women are subconsciously hard-wired to seek confident and dominant man. They are perceived by them as being men of higher status or at least with the potential of becoming one.A lot of this internalization has been a process of millions of years of evolution. When you think about it. It makes sense that in our hunting and gathering society women would seek men disp
    Jordan Alexo 7 years ago 10296
  • How to Create and Deliver a Calibrated Surprise?

    "I feel the most loved and cared for when my boyfriend does literally anything that shows that he was thinking of me. Whether it's bringing me a small cupcake because it's my favorite color, doing my dishes while I’m in the shower, or surprising me with sushi after a long day at the office... it all goes a really long way with me." -Jennifer, 3 3Women flat-out love bein
    Jordan Gray 7 years ago 9687
  • Are You Aware of How Subtle Gestures Matters to Her?

    “I get really tuned on by the small things in our relationship- how he hugs me in the morning, how he smiles at me when we're holding hands, and even how he puts away my laundry when I don't ask him to. I don't need to hear him say ‘I love you’ as much as I just need him to show it. ”-Rachel, 41There’s that saying: big doors swing on small hinges.In intimate relationshi
    Jordan Gray 7 years ago 13230
  • How to Practice Sensate Kissing Exercise?

    The Sensate Kissing Exercise Prepare for the exercise by creating a romantic environment in a location where you won't be interrupted. Shut off any electronic devices, perhaps light a candle or two. and play soft, romantic music that you both like. You may want to set a timer or have a clock nearby to keep track of how much time has passed, but don’t let it become a distraction.
    Taylor D'Aotino 7 years ago 9535

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