• How To Praise Her Sexually ?

    The other way that you can show her how much you adore her is through touch.If you touch her like she's your partner of several years and you're simply going through the motions, she will feel that intention behind your touch. She will know where your heart and mind are by the way that you touch her.But if you touch her like it’s the first time you’ve ever touched a woman's
    Julie Smith 7 years ago 11398
  • Bring Sexual Secrets into the Light to Protect Your Sexual Integrity

    Mike met Linda on the job when both were mutually working on a stressful project. Six months later they were having an affair, mostly because Mike had never told anyone about Linda. He had never told his wife about the developing friendship; he never scared about the relationship with his best Christian buddy, Stan, whom he saw regularly; he never brought it to God. There were so many op
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 10868
  • 3 Top Tips to Change Your Sexual Passive Behavior

    Sexual passive behavior men have with women nowadays, has a lot to do with their time before. Or sometimes because of religious beliefs, such as you should only have sex after marriage.Some of these ideas are hard to remove. So here are a few tips:1. Analyze Your PastI realized the times I was more sexual with women in nightclubs. This includes with eye contact but also physically. I always
    Jordan Alexo 7 years ago 11686
  • 4 Top Tips on Sex After Parenthood

    Sex is obviously the start of parenthood, but for many couples, parenthood is often the end of sex. How can you keep your sex life fresh when kids are hanging off of you, you’re exhausted, and you need some time to yourself? For those of us with kids at home, parenting can be one of the biggest roadblocks. Today’s challenge is designed for those with children of any age at home. If you
    Sheila Wray Gregoire 7 years ago 12301
  • A Man’s Sexuality Is A Ravenous Beast that Should Be Kept in A Cage until He's Married

    I admit I’ve never heard it put that way, but the implication is out there. Any lecture or book on dating inevitably includes something about sex. Frequently, the message is "Control yourself! Your sex drive is out to get you! It's just waiting for one weak moment to jump out and turn you into a nymphomaniac and demolish your soul." And then we wonder why so many Christians
    Doris J. Barnes 7 years ago 15258
  • Little Changes that Make Him Feel Amazing

    Guys don't usually have as much trouble feeling physical pleasure from sex as women do. But that doesn’t mean that there aren't small changes that we can make to help him feel even more amazing! So ladies, here are a few tips to make sex extra-special for him:1. MoveToo often we women can fall into the trap of thinking that what really matters to a guy is sexual release. He nee
    Sheila Wray Gregoire 7 years ago 10724
  • Little Changes that Make Her Feel Amazing

    Sometimes the smallest changes can make the biggest impact! Yesterday we talked about tilting your pelvis; today we’re going to list some things men can do to make sex feel that much better for her. Guys, here we go:1. Let The Tension BuildTeasing and building tension often makes sex far more pleasurable for women than just jumping in because the teasing helps her to anticipate what'
    Sheila Wray Gregoire 7 years ago 10545
  • Want to Be Her Best Sexual Partner?

    How confident do you feel in your current sex life with your partner?You have an idea that your partner is probably enjoying herself by the sounds that she makes when she’s with you. But when asking if men want to be the best sexual partner that their wife or girlfriend has ever had, their eyes light up with excitement. Everyone wants to be their partner's best sexual partner. It is
    Jordan Gray 7 years ago 10612
  • Turning Foreplay Up a Notch

    Here's an email from a reader after my initial foreplay challenge:My husband really doesn't "get" foreplay. He thinks foreplay is play “just for me”, while sex is for “both of us”, and so if i want foreplay I’m being selfish, and I should do what’s best for “both of us”. He doesn’t understand that I can’t really enjoy intercourse if I don’t warm up f
    Sheila Wray Gregoire 7 years ago 11109
  • Benefits of Eliminating Porn Consumption

    Many studies have shown that porn consumption is hazardous to your psychological health and sexual health, damages the intimacy in your relationship, affects strength of your erections, and weakens your attraction to your partner.Just as fast food is a false form of nutrition, pornography is a false form of intimacy.In one session of porn consumption, you're able to view hundreds of se
    Julie Smith 7 years ago 11645

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