• Staving Passionate Lovemaking in the Children Years

    Much confusion and many pitfalls could be avoided with a little knowledge and preparation for married couples to figure things out as best as they can for passionate lovemaking during pregnancy or after children.Let's set the stage. At the start of the children years, younger marriages often find couples still adjusting to new roles, struggling through the loss of independence and priv
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 11065
  • Body Boosters to Get Your Body Desired

    Encouraging exercise and generally healthy behavior (sleeping, eating, stress management) can dramatically change testosterone levels for some men, to get your body desired. Healthy eating and exercise can help wives with their body image, which has many indirect effects on sexual desire.Hormone replacement therapy can be effective with certain women and men in alleviating some of the phys
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 13037
  • Difference between Male Sexuality and Female Sexuality Is Related to Sexual Desire Problems

    A helpful first step for couples who are struggling with sexual desire problems is to educate themselves about the differences between male sexuality and female sexuality. Husbands and wives will rarely (if ever) have the same level of sexual desire, or express it in the same way. Most experts and studies conclude that men seek out sex more frequently and think about sex more often. Howe
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 12636
  • Ten Conscious Choices for Women to Tune in to Sexuality

    From boyhood on, men seem to tune in to sexuality more overtly and, in an unfair way, are regarded as the sexual experts. Girls are taught psychologically to control sexual impulses and do not tune in to sexuality as readily. Even their genitals are more hidden and not grasped every time they urinate as men’s are. The environment also takes a toll on sexual desire. In the midst of busy
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 10980
  • Women Becoming More Easily Orgasmic

    You may be a newlywed and have just started on the journey of exploring your sexual sensations and becoming orgasmic; you might be a little disappointed that sexual arousal hasn't fallen into place more easily, because you find your husband very sexy. Maybe you have been married for years and have felt very frustrated that the pleasure of a climax has always eluded you. Somehow stimu
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 11675
  • From “I Am Okay” to “We Are Okay” in Sex Life

    What’s your attitude towards sex life? It’s a crazy dynamic in a relationship—you can get on either a positive or a negative roll. Insecurity and inadequacy feed on themselves and grow worse. Believing you are sexy, or not, becomes a selffulfilling prophecy. Confidence and greater skills create a platform for launching a couple into an even better sex life.Sexy Attitudes and Behavior
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 11170
  • How Can You Bring Your Lovemaking into A More Sexy and Erotic Place?

    Couples must learn to talk openly about sex as they readjust their attitudes. How can you bring your lovemaking into a more sexy and erotic place? Try the following points: 1. affirming sexiness; 2. identifying old fears, messages and irrational beliefs; 3. disputing and changing irrational beliefs.Affirming SexinessIn any relationship it is good to start with what you are doing right and
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 10377
  • Mistakes and Misconceptions on Sex (2)

    Women are sensitive and emotional creatures. Be gentle about the whole thing. The idea of a good experience of sex is not mercilessly pounding at your woman’s vagina. That is a caveman's concept of having sex. You are a fine gentleman. You have to be more than a man-meat. You cannot expect your woman to be content with your mere rushing through the whole process. Women are sensitive creature
    Bradley Martin 7 years ago 13010
  • Great Lovemaking Equals to An Intimate Companionship and A Mature Lover

    Making love is much more than just getting nude or rushing into intercourse. Loveplay can lead Nowhere can even keep your clothes on, and can include intimate nurturing, teasing, and relaxation.GREAT LOVEMAKING = AN INTIMATE COMPANIONSHIP + A MATURE LOVERIntimate, wise lovers know how to create and enjoy a variety of atmospheres, attitudes, and behaviors in their sexual connecting within the
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 11921
  • Common Sense Suggestions on Lovemaking in Your Children Years

    An interesting question I ask on marriage retreats is: “You’ve been given five thousand dollars to improve your sex life. How will you use it?” So often those with children will tell of increased baby-sitting, flying parents in for weeks at a time, and vacationing all alone. This area demands practicality and creativity for lovemaking to survive. If family surrogate family is aroun
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 11165

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