• Your Insecurities Should Get Past

    Look at events in the past that made you feel so bad. Have you been let down? Have you been so badly hurt by an event that you're letting it hold you back in your current life-style? The fact is that often, jealousy comes out of seeing a similar situation occur or actually perceive that it will occur. Last time, your partner told you that he was working late. You found out that he was
    Sofia Price 7 years ago 11772
  • How to Make Your Visualizations More Powerful?

    If you want to make your visualizations even stronger and work faster, then you'll have to use the following techniques. This involves scripting the visualization. Basically, you're going to write out a detailed scene involving you and your specific person doing something that you would enjoy doing once you're together. Feel free to expand on the visualization above if it's
    Elizabeth Daniels 7 years ago 10646
  • Why Do We Have Insecurities and Trust Issues in Our Relationship?

    There are quite some people at some point in their lives experience insecurity and trust in their relationships. This most troublesome issue manifests when our partners have not done anything wrong thing or anything to make us sad, and yet here we are, red hot with jealousy. What we must understand is that we project our jealousy in different ways, like when there is just any other reaso
    Sofia Price 7 years ago 10715
  • How Visualization Can Work for You?

    “Everyone visualizes whether he knows it or not. Visualizing is the great secret of success.” - Genevieve BehrendVisualization is a key component of the Law of Attraction. Visualization means you have to see yourself having what you want in your mind in order to get what you want in your life. There are two general ways that people visualize. Some people see vivid pictures. Other peopl
    Elizabeth Daniels 7 years ago 10300
  • Jealousy As a Warning to Remind Something within You Needs Attention

    Jealousy may be a kind of negative of human emotions described by many literature authors. For example, Shakespeare even called it that green-eyed monster. While you're in a relationship, it may be a warning to remind something within you and you shall pay attention to it in order to maintain long and healthy relationship.Hereby, this passage will analyze what kind of jealous emotion
    Sofia Price 7 years ago 11128
  • What You Actually Say Doesn’t Matter, Why You Say It Matters

    What you actually say doesn’t matter; why you say it matters.Always. No exceptions. You can have the best line in the world, but if you’re saying it because you're needy and desperate for validation and approval from women, then she is immediately going to sense it.This is why using pick up lines is ultimately a futile process.I could sell you the best 100 things I’ve ever said to women,
    Mark Manson 7 years ago 11213
  • Oneness Is A Powerful Energy for Immediate Results

    Oneness is a powerful energy that can produce major results immediately. This goes into the realm of quantum physics but can be explained simply. Every single thing - plants, books, furniture, horses,everything living or not - is composed of energy, the same energy. There is only one energy. It forms you, me, everything you set, everything you touch...everything in the entire Universe. E
    Elizabeth Daniels 7 years ago 11810
  • Creating the Relationship You Want

    “Whatever you're thinking about is literally like planning a future event. When you're worrying, you are planning. When you're appreciating you are planning... What are you planning?" -Abraham-HicksWhen you are attracted by some specific person, you may think about how much you want the specific person you have in mind. You know how great he is. You know the two of them would wo
    Elizabeth Daniels 7 years ago 9618
  • How Your Feelings Can Help You Manifest a Specific Person?

    When you feel nervous, scared,angry or any other negative feelings, your thoughts are negative and blocking your manifestation. When you are happy, joyful, excited or any positive feeling, your thoughts are positive and attracting your person to you. Your feelings are powerful because they can help you manifest a specific person.While your thoughts have the power to create, your feelings
    Elizabeth Daniels 7 years ago 12044
  • The 3 Most Powerful Words

    “See the things that you want as already yours. Know that they will come to you at need. Then let them come. Don’t fret and worry about them. Don’t think about your lack of them. Think of them as yours, as belonging to you, as already in your possession.”- Robert CollierThere are three words that, when you use them, have the ability to manifest not just a specific person, but anyth
    Elizabeth Daniels 7 years ago 8701

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