• Kissing Sweets Spots to Reach around the Head

    Obviously, human beings have many kissable places beyond the lips and mouth. While we won't take the full tour in this short chapter (or in this book), for most people this sort of exploration is a natural part of the same overall experience, and at least a few of those places deserve some mention here. For this discussion we'll confine ourselves to the area around the head (with a
    Taylor D'Aotino 7 years ago 9392
  • How to Love Yourself ?- Acknowledge Your Needs, Emotions And Preferences

    In a relationship, it is important to communicate with our partner. Perhaps at this stage, you think that your spouse or partner should know everything about you- They have been with you long enough they should know what makes you tick. However, this isn't possible.Think about it this way, they have the responsibility of taking care of their emotions, preferences, and needs. Just like
    Sofia Price 7 years ago 10516
  • Are You too Busy to Find Love?

    ‘I want to meet someone and get married, but I simply don't have time for online dating and singles events’ said the message. ‘What with working long hours and volunteering at church, I don't have much spare time. Besides, I believe we should be good stewards of our time, and there are better ways to use it than chasing around trying to find a partner. There must be another w
    Doris J. Barnes 7 years ago 7305
  • How to Love Yourself ?- Take Care of Your Looks and Your Health

    What commonly happens is, you see a couple out and about and you know that’s not the person they originally married or had a relationship with. It’s not that they are seeing someone else. It is that the person they were, back when their partner fell in love with them, has faded and has been replaced with someone new. In some instances, both people in the relationship have fallen victim
    Sofia Price 7 years ago 9661
  • How to Love Yourself ?- Acknowledge and Pursue Your Own Interest

    When you are with your partner or spouse for a long time, it is possible that you will forget your individual dreams and interests. As discussed earlier, you may already share an identity with your spouse. When this happens, you will become frustrated, and that frustration will be the fuel of your contempt and loss of interest in your partner. Therefore, it is of great importance to ackn
    Sofia Price 7 years ago 9109
  • Why Love Fades? (1)

    If you are reading this passage, chances are, you feel that you are losing the passion and strong affection you once had with your spouse or your partner. If you are reading this book, it is most likely that you want to save the relationship that was once exciting, passionate, and loving. You are losing hope that you can still have and bring back the “spark” in the relationship. You
    Sofia Price 7 years ago 16370
  • 10 Red Flags to Look out for to Spot a Scammer in Dating Websites

    I’d like to try internet dating, “confided a friend at church, but I’ve heard stories about scammers, even on Christian websites I’m a trusting person and I’m not all that web-savvy. I’m worried I'll be taken in by a conman.”Dating websites are sometimes targeted by fraudsters, who I try to convince their victims that they're the answer to their prayers, then con them o
    Doris J. Barnes 7 years ago 10764
  • Top Tips for Feeling Great

    Whether you find the love of your life tomorrow or ten years from now, I want you to look and feel great every single day. Here’s a collection of tips to help, and I hope you try the ones that sound great to you, and hopefully they inspire others. Following these tips such as buying gifts for yourself and doing massage regularly, will certainly help improve your self-confidence and make
    Honoree Corder 7 years ago 12037
  • Do you Have Confidence in Yourself?

    “Fall in love with your very essence, your every thought, move and action.”-Honoree CorderWhen Momma's happy, everybody's happy! I understand completely if you have resistance around relationships because you have children. Keep in mind that your children want you to be happy, and when you're happy, your children are happy, too!I believe the most attractive quality in any p
    Honoree Corder 7 years ago 11208
  • Traits to Avoid if You're Single

    Being single can be a difficult time for many, but, as difficult as it is, the truth is that life is not just about getting married. Life doesn't start when you get married. Life is right now! And you can still have a wonderful and fulfilling life as a single person, whether or not you eventually get married. So, here are five traits to avoid if you’re single.1.JealousyYou know what
    Doris J. Barnes 7 years ago 11485