• Mindful Kissing Is Opposed to Distraction

    If kissing was only about the mechanics of how the lips fit together and tongues moved, then far more of us would qualify as superbly gifted at it. But giving and getting kisses that transcend the routine of everyday existence, kisses that make us feel that life sometimes has real magic to it, requires something more than learning not to bump noses. In that moment when lips connect, it t
    Taylor D'Aotino 7 years ago 13422
  • Your Relationship’s Health Starts From Within

    When the cabin pressure changes on an airplane, oxygen masks drop from the ceiling. What’s the first thing that you are told to do? Put your own mask first. It’s pretty simple... you need to be able to breathe in order to help others.By not taking care of yourself first, you render yourself useless to those around you. The same principle can be applied to your relationship.If you don&#
    Jordan Gray 7 years ago 10742
  • Do You Always Share New and Exciting Experiences with Your Partner?

    One of the great things about a new relationship is all of the “firsts” you have together. You never forget where you first met; the first place you went on a date, the first time you took a long drive in the middle of the night or how you felt the first time you kissed. The relationship was and still is an adventure, and as you are in the middle of it; remember the times when you felt
    Sofia Price 7 years ago 15356
  • How Kissing Skills Can be Practiced?

    Games for TwoAt this point let's broaden out the discussion by assuming that you have a desire to hone your kissing skills along with your partner. Maybe there's an issue you want to work on or maybe there's no issue at all. It could be that you just want to make a good thing even better. Of course, one of the best ways to get really skilled at kissing is to practice often, whi
    Taylor D'Aotino 7 years ago 6866
  • Will You Make a Polite Request on Adjusting Kissing?

    If your partner's self-esteem is rock solid and their confidence in the relationship is, too, they'll probably take it in stride if you make a simple, courteous request that they adjust their kisses in some way. If your partner is on the sensitive side, however, and they're less sure of themselves, you may want to consider some of the following suggestions before you ask for a
    Taylor D'Aotino 7 years ago 6689
  • Do You Speak up on How You Like to be Kissed?

    What if you praise your partner and show them how you like to be kissed, but they're just not getting your hints? If your partner consistently kisses in a way that kills the romantic mood for you, then you may want to consider talking to them about it.Of course, when bringing up a preference you have it's important to be kind and considerate of your partner's feelings. You want
    Taloy D'Aotino 7 years ago 9523
  • Do You Surprise Your Partner Often?

    Do you remember the time in your relationship when you used to surprise each other with gifts and you surprised each other often? If you want to rekindle the spark in your relationship, spice up your relationship by giving surprise gifts or taking your partner on a surprise trip. Surprises have a certain power that spice up a boring and predictable relationship.Sometimes a surprise doesn&#
    Sofia Price 7 years ago 11350
  • Are You Affectionate Toward Your Partner, both Physically and Verbally?

    Everyone needs to feel affection. To some people, it might be as simple as being verbally kind to their spouse or partner. However, some people crave affection like air or the food they eat. Think for a minute, is your spouse or partner one of these people?Do not be afraid or reluctant to have a term of endearment for your spouse. Call him/her “honey,” “baby” or “sweetheart”. T
    Sofia Price 7 years ago 15344
  • How To Change the Way that Your Partner Kissses You?

    Up to now this book has been largely devoted to giving the reader advice about their own kissing; but, of course, it takes two to tango and to kiss. What if you're with a partner who's wonderful in almost every way — thoughtful, kind, loving, passionate — but there's just something about the way they kiss that makes the experience memorable for the wrong reasons. Sometimes
    Taylor D'Aotino 7 years ago 5983
  • How to Show Appreciation to Your Partner?

    If you have been in a relationship with your partner for a very long time, it likely means your partner has a lot of good qualities that you really appreciate. It’s quite possible that a long period of time has passed, or you’ve become so comfortable around each other, that you may have begun to take these qualities for granted. Part of the Appreciation Plan is to remember all of the
    Sofia Price 7 years ago 10244

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