• Ways to Heal Yourselves for Single Moms

    Relationships are where you attract someone who reveals more of yourself to you, so you’ve got to be ready. For single moms, I believe before you can even be open to finding a true, amazing relationship, you have to take the time to sort through wounds, issues, and anything else that needs addressing and address them. You can heal in several ways, and the first I'm going to recommend
    Honoree Corder 7 years ago 6479
  • Do you Do a “Relationship Review” before Finding Love?

    “Do all things with love.”-PlatoIf you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’re going to keep getting what you’ve always gotten.That’s great if what you’ve been getting has been fantastic, and you want more of it. But if you’re reading this book, then you probably have at least one undesirable relationship in your past, you're single, and you want something better for
    Honoree Corder 7 years ago 6154
  • Are Single Moms Really Ready to Find Love Again?

    "Single moms can find love again. There is evidence of this truth everywhere. You just must look for it and be open to it”—Honoree Corder“It’s time. I’m ready!”Have you said these words to yourself, specifically about getting back “on the market?” As a single, it may seem an impossible task to get back into the dating scene. Since you’re reading this book, I’m going
    Honoree Corder 7 years ago 6236
  • How to Deal with Facial Hair to Avoid Making Your Partner Discomfortable?

    For men, whether or not to grove/ facial hair is not unlike the grooming choice faced by women. When it comes to wearing a beard (especially the trendy stubbled look) is often used by guys to emphasize their maleness and catch interest of the opposite sex, just as lipstick draws attention to a woman's fuller, feminine lips.But, as with lipstick, facial hair can sometimes spoil a good
    Taylor D'Aotino 7 years ago 6434
  • How to Wear the Lipstick to Look Sexy and Have a Good Taste?

    Why are red lips sexy? As with so much related to the physiology of human desire, it's all about blood flow. When we in a relaxed state, the average heart beats about 72 times a minute. If we become aroused, however, the beats per minute race up to around 95. When people experience this increased circulation of blood and hormones more, their sex organs are affected. The lips become e
    Taylor D'Aotino 7 years ago 8252
  • How to Prevent Chapped Lips?

    Besides a mouth that has a pleasant smell and taste, you also want lips that are both visually appealing and feel good to make contact with. Soft, smooth, healthy-looking. Lips entice a romantic partner to draw near, while lips that are dry, cracked, rough, and flaking — in other words, chapped —do not. There are several ways that lips can lose moisture and become chapped, but the summ
    Taylor D'Aotino 7 years ago 6119
  • A Valuable Lesson on Marriage from a 10-year-old Email

    Ten years ago, I had an email exchange with my friend Bethany Greene, in which she offered some marital advice to me. I wasn’t even dating anyone seriously at the time, but her words were so meaningful and valuable that I saved the message in my 'Wemorable Emails’ folder.This week, I stumbled across it, and I wanted to share her words with you. For those of you who are married (or
    Doris J. Barnes 7 years ago 13326
  • What To Do When God Does Not Meet Your Relationship Expectations?

    If you have been single for any amount of time, then you have probably had to face this question before. When we were younger, many of us bought into the belief that God had a special person predestined for us, and we would inevitably meet them and fall in love by a certain age. However, by now, many of us have come to realize that that is not always, how it happens.As we get older, we con
    Doris J. Barnes 7 years ago 5666
  • How Bad Breath affects Kissing?

    Most bad breath — about 90 percent — is the result of bacteria lurking in the crevices of the tongue, where they have nothing better to do than release noxious, bad-smelling gases. Everybody has some bacteria in their mouth, but keeping it in check is key to having sweeter tasting kisses. The best way to do this? First, brush and floss your teeth regularly. After eating, food particles
    Taylor D'Aotino 7 years ago 6972
  • Can Mouth Maintenance Make Kissing Different?

    Before you even plant your lips on another person, make sure that you're not setting yourself up for failure. Here's an example of what I mean. When it comes to kissing,can you guess what the number one turn off Hint: It has nothing to do with kissing technique or mismatched personalities. In survey after survey, men and women give the same answer. Bad breath ruins more kisses
    Taylor D'Aotino 7 years ago 6513