• Top Tips for Maintaining Long Distance Love

    Online dating brings quite literally a world of opportunities, and that in turn raises the question: How wide should you make your search for love?The answer of course will depend on your personal circumstances and preferences, but broadening the geographical options might just be a great way to enrich your experience and increase the chances of finding that special someone.So, what happ
    Doris J. Barnes 7 years ago 7377
  • Awkward People Don’t Need a Cure but Community

    Awkwardness is not a problem needing a quick fix or cure, and it certainly isn't something that will prevent you from having full meaningful relationships. God loves all his sons and daughters equally and will help you find a soul matching yours no matter how awkward you are.My dear son has agreed to share some of his feeling and thoughts to help others see that you are never alone in
    Doris J. Barnes 7 years ago 5798
  • Kissing Is a Natural Activity Dating Back to Human History

    It's tempting to say that kissing is a universal experience, but that is not quite true. About 90 percent of the human population kisses, but there are a few cultures in Africa, Asia and South America that don't kiss at all and have no idea what the kiss (fuss) is about. Then there are cultures that kiss but in ways that may seem foreign or strange to us. Polynesians, for instance,
    Taylor D'Aotino 7 years ago 6207
  • Which Sites/Apps to Use to Look for Love Online for Women over 40?

    When I was in the Hawaii a year ago, prime time TV ads consisted of medication and dating sites. There's no doubt that there are many people looking for love online. With so many options, it can be tempting to sign up for all of them.My best tip for signing up for dating sites/apps:□when possible, always sign up for a trial period□never sign up for more than 2 dating sites/apps at a
    IONA YEUNG 7 years ago 7674
  • Three Different Aspects of A Mood for Lovemaking

    Setting the mood is the backbone of being romantic and creating exciting variety in your love life, and it involves at least three different aspects of your lovemaking: mental mood setting, emotional atmosphere and environmental ambiance.Mental Mood SettingMental mood setting includes using your mind and will to fantasize about sex and to choose to tune in to sexual cues as you structure m
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 8 years ago 5962
  • Key Qualities Needed for Dealing with Messiness in Great Sex Life

    Often couples learn that minimizing the mess has many creative compromises and solutions. Keeping tissues or a washcloth by the bed, planning ahead on birth control and lubrication, and relaxing with the normal aspects of the human body and its functioning greatly help. Hereby, some key qualities for dealing with messiness in Great Sex life shall be introduced for you to learn.Consider the
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 8 years ago 9957
  • How do You Nurture Your Budding Relationship?

    Remember that finding the right person is just the beginning of the journey, not the destination. In order to move from casual dating to a committed, loving relationship, you need to nurture that new connection. It's a process that requires time, effort, and a genuine interest in the other person as a whole. It also requires an openness to compromise and change.All relationships change
    8 years ago 9898
  • Which Relationship Red Flags Shall be Watched for and Avoided?

    It's important to be aware of red-flag behaviors that may indicate a relationship is not going to lead to healthy, lasting love. In such cases, it's better to cut your losses early, rather than invest time in a relationship that isn't good for you or the other person. Trust your instincts and pay close attention to how the other person makes you feel. If you tend to feel insecu
    8 years ago 12770
  • Put Having Fun as A Priority in Online Dating

    Online dating, singles events, and matchmaking services like speed dating may prove successful and enjoyable for some people, but for many they lack spontaneity and often feel more like high-pressure job interviews than fun social occasions. And whatever dating experts might tell you, there is a big difference between finding the right career and finding lasting love. What’s your prior
    8 years ago 9457
  • What’s the Right Attitude in Searching for a Online Relationship?

    As internet dating is quite different from dating with real friends just close to you. You need to learn to keep a proper attitude towards it. Here in this passage, advices on a right attitude in searching for a relationship is provided.Don't make your search for a relationship the center of your life. Concentrate on activities you enjoy, your career, health, and relationships with f
    8 years ago 5418