• The Cerebral Position to Get Physical

    Before even getting physical, it's important to help your women get into the right cerebral position (or mental position). Doing so maximizes your chances of getting the most out of the following sexual positions for helping her orgasm, every time. If her mind isn't where it should be, you increase the risk of her not getting where she wants to go-that much-coveted “O”.One of t
    Bradley Martin 7 years ago 10025
  • Do You Always Keep It Subtle in the Beginning?

    Unless you’re sure that your woman is already sexually stoked, you’ll need to start off very subtly and up the ante slowly, like a diesel engine (chugga chugga, chugga chugga). One of the best ways to do this is with funny double entendres. These can keep her guessing about what you really mean and help build up her anticipation and excitement. Uncertainty is key, because if she chides
    Bradley Martin 7 years ago 10759
  • Foreplay for the Big Bang

    One of the best ways to approach foreplay is to start even before you reach the bedroom. If you are planning to make love to her tonight, you can start as early as the morning by priming her mentally, with a little sexy talk. No, I don’t mean talking to her disrespectfully like “Yo, bitch! I’m gonna screw you so hard tonight you won’t know what hit your pussy!” No, no, no! “Tal
    Bradley Martin 7 years ago 11154
  • Big Bang Climax Is All about Geometry

    It’s all about geometry.The last thing you may relate to sex is math, but there’s one thing geometry and foreplay have in common: angles! Figure out the angles at which you can stimulate your lady’s genitals and you’re so much closer to priming her for big bang climax.Take for example her G-Spot, which swells when she’s aroused. With enough trial and error, you’ll be able to fi
    Bradley Martin 7 years ago 10799
  • Have You Tried the Tantra Chair?

    Based on the classic erotic work, the Kama Sutra, this piece of furniture doesn’t look like wat it is. That way, when your mom comes over and sticks her head in the bedroom, she’s not going to fiant, right? What the heck, you can even put it in the living room and make it the little joke you and your partner have together at Thanksgiving dinner, with the whole family unwittingly chowin
    Bradley Martin 7 years ago 12182
  • How Will You Create Scents to Arouse Your Sensuality?

    Sex is all about sensuality and scents are part of that. Even what we can’t smell (but is definitely there) can get us revved up. Pheromones lead us to the one we desire like a silent siren song. But we can choose to heighten the mood that’s already present in our chemical reaction to the women we love to love and hers to us, by adding some strategic olfactory stimulation.We know women
    Bradley Martin 7 years ago 11340
  • Do You Know that Food Can Be Orgasm Booster?

    You can also think along the lines of aphrodisiacs. It’s widely known that certain foods can up your libido and that’s what you’re going for. Here this passage introduces some food can be used as orgasm booster.Chilies, containing the chemical capsicin, are known to get your blood moving and blood has a lot to do with arousal. Capsaicin also stimulates all those nerve endings you
    Bradley Martin 7 years ago 11626
  • Dressing up Is A Fun Way to Bring Orgasmic Happiness

    If you’ve been with someone for a while, sex can become routine. It doesn’t matter how attracted you are to each other, eating even prime rib every day can get old. Even if you’re a relatively new couple, sex can get a little boring if you don’t venture into new territory ever so often. Dressing up is a fun way to bring a sense of adventure into your bedroom that you never believed
    Bradley Martin 7 years ago 11297
  • How Will You Set the Scene for Your Women?

    If you’re not living with your woman, you’re probably like most guys. You don’t really give an actual rat’s ass about the way your place looks. There may even be car parts on the dining room table. Your bed will not only probably not be made, it will probably have a large dog laying in the middle of it, licking its balls.No, dude. Not romantic. When your woman comes to your home an
    Bradley Martin 7 years ago 10575
  • Have You Tried Frottage the Right Way?

    There will be times when you’re out together and the sexual volume will be cranked up to “take your head off”. Why suffer? Why go home? There are other ways to deal with this and one of them has just been described. But what if there’s no lube? What if you’re at a public art installation, or strolling through the ruins of ancient Rome — at a NASCAR event? Not a problem. Frottag
    Joyce Meyer 7 years ago 16705

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