• Isn’t It Happy When You’re off Work of A Day While Others Begin to Start work of A Whole Day?

    Jane is now working as an French editor in a French company subsidized in Shanghai, a modern city of China. At the beginning, Jane was not quite used to it as there was always a jet lag she had to adjust. Sometimes she would even complain the hot weather in summer and severe traffic jam on her way to work everyday during the first three months of this job. As time goes by, Jane changed g
    Juliana 7 years ago 7550
  • The Value of Optimism

    According to the dictionary, optimism is a disposition or tendency to look on the more favorable side of events or conditions and to expect the most favorable outcome. It is a belief that gool ultimately predominates over evil in the world and that goodness pervades reality. Optimism is an attitude we can adopt that will produce anticipation and joy.Optimism is a still can be learned and i
    Joyce Meyer 7 years ago 8522
  • Confucius’s Humanity Philosophy Principles We Should Bring Back

    The chinese word for jen (仁), meaning humanity,helps a lot in assisting good social orders and personal behaviors since acient China. With fast development of the current society and deepening influence of western culture, some of our acient ancestors’ wisdom had been gradually ignored. Actually we urgently need those good wisdom’s as social codes to follow or obey. Here several of
    Juliana 7 years ago 11806
  • Avoid Being Critical and Affirm Your Partner Often

    Sometimes we fall into a trap where it’s easy to place the blame on your partner or spouse, even for the most mundane of tasks. You assume that they should know your expectations. You feel like they should be aware of how you want something, done whether it’s work around the house or remembering that you wanted to do something fun this weekend. You forget all about the positive thing
    Sofia Price 7 years ago 7867
  • Were You Still Asleep When Earthquake Shaked Mexico City Last Night?

    According to the US Geological Survey, a 7.1 magnitude earthquake hit Mexico City on Tuesday at 1.14pm local time, which was at 11:14pm Beijing time. The epicentre was Atencingo in Puebla state, aroun 75 miles southeast of Mexico City. For most people in the region of Asia, we were already asleep or just were going to sleep. And on this morning, you just find news on earthquake in Mexico
    Juliana 7 years ago 7764
  • Write Down All The Qualities You Like about Your Partner

    Your partner might frustrate and even annoy you at times, but they have redeemable qualities. There are things about them that make your relationship worth fighting for. You need to think about the qualities he or she has that make you happy to be around them and make you love them. This is not something that can necessarily be achieved in a few minutes. You need to think about and write
    Sofia Price 7 years ago 7973
  • Stress Feeds Anxiety

    Nothing harms us emotionally the way stress does. We might say that anxiety is emotions out of control. When someone experiences anxiety most of the time, it’s because their emotions have been pressured to the point that they are no longer functioning healthily. There are many situations causing anxiety. The death of a spouse or child, divorce, and job loss are major events; however, not
    Joyce Meyer 7 years ago 18295
  • Why Can’t You Relax and Enjoy Your Life?

    People who are tired and worn-out, uptight and irritated, usually spend a lot of time complaining about it, but they do little or nothing to change it. They want to understand why they feel the way they feel, but even if someone told them, they still probably wouldn’t change a thing. We feel trapped! We actually think we have to do all the things we do, but the truth is that we don’t.
    Joyce Meyer 7 years ago 10641
  • Things You Can Do to Show Her Your Ability to Create Happiness

    Often when a man has strong feeling for a woman, he usually is willing to do something to show his ability to create happiness. Here this passage introduces several things a man can do for her to create happiness and win true love from her.1. Share your time and presenceWhen a man is really into a woman, he is willing to share his time and presence with her. He wouldn’t give any excuses
    Juliana 7 years ago 9923
  • What Will It Take to Get Us to Change?

    “Stress is an ignorant state. It believes that everything is an emergency.”— Natalie GoldbergSadly, we normally don’t get us to change until a crisis forces us to. You may think as I did, I can’t do anything about my life because I really do have to do everything I am doing. That is absolutely not true. God never gives us more than we can do with peace and joy. I did a lot of wha
    Joyce Meyer 7 years ago 12194