• What Max Frische and Gerald Durrell Say about Jealousy?

    “Jealousy is the fear of comparison” — Max FrischeThis quotation is one that you should always remember. At the back of the mind when jealousy is exercised is the fear of comparison. Is she prettier than me? Is he better looking than me? What can she give you that I cannot? Why could she get away with it when I can’t?Comparison is not only evil, but it also causes all kinds of rifts.
    Sofia Price 7 years ago 7435
  • Have You Ever Imagined You’re Shopping in the Universe?

    Take a cue from the way you shop at the grocery. Notice that when you go to a grocery without a list, you end up roaming the aisles and have items in your shopping cart that you do not need. The same goes for this exercise. To find access and possess the things that you are looking for in the world, you need to make a list out of it. The list does not have to be done only on a piece of p
    John Baskin 7 years ago 10164
  • Why It just Isn’t Fair?

    Sadly, the world is filled with injustices. People go to prison for things they did not do. One of my uncles spent twenty years in prison for a crime he did not commit. His wife, who did commit the crime, confessed right before she died, and he was released. But sadly, by then he had tuberculosis and lived only a few more years. I remember that my uncle was always a very kind man and seeme
    Joyce Meyer 7 years ago 7788
  • What William Penn and Gary Alien Say about Jealousy?

    You may wonder why I included this at the end of the book -it's because these are all food for thought. There are so many quotations on jealousy that may make you think that your situation really does need examination and dissection, but until you do face your demons, you will have to face the negativity you choose to live with by being jealous.           
    Sofia Price 7 years ago 8719
  • Have You Ever Practiced Creative Visualization?

    Creative VisualizationApplying the Law of Attraction towards the attainment of goals is not only possible but also represents one of the most potent applications of the Law. Called the process of creation, this is a power that can be utilized to physically manifest or turn into reality achieved goals and of the best steps towards accessing the power is through visualization.Remember the id
    John Baskin 7 years ago 10231
  • You May be Frustrated in Your Dream Achieving Process

    Life Aspect: GoalsGoals, wishes or dreams are things that every person has. They are the things that make people wake up in the morning, go through the day and think about before they sleep. In fact, theories suggest that even during sleep, these goals are literally in the dreams that people have. Goals are very powerful, they have the ability to push people on, energize them and allow the
    John Baskin 7 years ago 10222
  • Is There A Person Living inside You Quite Different from the One You Present to the World?

    Have you ever felt that there is a person living inside you who is quite different from the one you present to the world? We human beings are extremely complex. Our emotions are only one aspect of our being, but they are a very important one. Actually, it has been said that emotions are the Christian’s number one enemy because they can easily prevent us from following the will of God.
    Joyce Meyer 7 years ago 10318
  • Don’t Get Stuck in a Moment

    Your future has no room for your past, and I encourage you not to get stuck in a moment or a time frame in your life that is over. Millions of people miss today because either they refuse to let go of the past or they worry about the future. The things that happened to me or to millions of others in life are unfortunate to say the least. Such abuses are painful and they do affect us, but
    Joyce Meyer 7 years ago 7729
  • Are You A Solution-driven Person?

    Life Aspect: Decision-makingMaking decisions is an everyday occurrence. A decision can often mean the difference between success and failure. When chosen correctly, your decision can open your Life to opportunities and possibilities that can significantly improve various aspects of your life. Decisions are something that you cannot avoid. They confront and challenge you and occasionally pu
    John Baskin 7 years ago 13794
  • Are You Complete Enough to Be Responsible for Your Hopes and Dreams?

    While you cannot take away of your fears in life, you can minimize them. Talk about what you expect out of the relationship, and see that it’s on course with what your partner wants. Talk about where you want the relationship to go, and be straightforward about it. Learn to trust. Love can’t be a real thing if there’s no trust invovled. This is a two-way street, and for a relationshi
    Sofia Price 7 years ago 10488

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