• She Left for Too Much of His Fears

    Often, people who are jealous have fears. They fear losing what is dear to them. They fear not measuring up when no one is actually measuring them. They go to extreme lengths in their relationships because of the fears that they hold. For example, there was a couple, and the husband would not allow his wife to talk to males. There was no question of her doing that because it was made clear
    Sofia Price 7 years ago 10822
  • Positive Thinking and Companionship is Key to Your Relationship

    Positive ThinkingInstead of using artificial and weak methods to attract love in your life, such as online dating services or blind dates that are ill suited to you and your preferences, the Law of Attraction can be applied. To apply the Law you can employ several methods to change your mental state in such a way that it will create an environment that is primed towards attracting another
    Law of Attraction - The Secret to Love, Happiness, & Abundance 7 years ago 7324 Read more...
  • Wallowing is Endangering

    Personal RelationshipsPerhaps, aside from health, personal relationships, especially romance and love are the most popular aspect that is usually associated with the Law of Attraction. Personal relationships are vital in living a full life; they are indispensable and a need that exists for most if not all of humanity, provides value, meaning and most importantly reason for living the first
    John Baskin 7 years ago 7259
  • Therapy to Your Jealousy

    We need to reflect ourselves by thinking how to get rid of all these jealous feelings when they arise. You need to have a way to distract your mind from negative things so that you are able to dismiss jealousy as being something that is going to be detrimental to your wellbeing and also to your relationship. Let’s say you think that your husband is being unfaithful. Think of all the good
    Sofia Price 7 years ago 8565
  • Succeeding is Expanding

    Life Aspect: FinancesClosely related to your aspect on career is money. Financial freedom gives you the chance to live your life free from the heavy concerns of money. Take note that financial freedom does not mean being rich but instead means that you have enough wealth to cover a normal way of life, without want for food, clothing, shelter or other basic needs.Situation: LossesFinancial
    Law of Attraction - The Secret to Love, Happiness, & Abundance 7 years ago 11245 Read more...
  • Facing Issues Bravely instead of Blaming others as God is Always with You

    If someone has a long history of out-of-balance emotional behavior, they may have many issues they need to face, perhaps even long-standing problems that go as back as childhood. Jesus gave us the first principle to remember concerning stable emotional health when He said, “You will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free” (John:8:32).Without confrontation of painful issues fro
    Joyce Meyer 7 years ago 12810
  • Observing Healthy Relationship to Live Happily

    You can learn an awful lot from examing relationships around you. For example, if a couple seems happy, look at the way that they interact with each other. It’s unlikely that either one of them acts in a mean way. In fact, they probably harmonize very well with each other. Their work life-home life balance will be carefully worked out. They will spend time together, and chances are tha
    Sofia Price 7 years ago 7417
  • Does "Jealousy among Siblings" Fit to You?

    This was a subject that came up when my family gathered after the death of a relative. We had not seen each other for years, and my siblings sat down and talked quite a bit during the funeral arrangements. What transpired was very interesting indeed. People carry negativity from childhood throughout their lives. Some manage to get beyond that negativity, but for others, it sticks, and it
    Sofia Price 7 years ago 7976
  • Peace and Serentiy Matters a lot to Your Career

    Life Aspect: CareerAnother aspect of your life that you can improve on using the Law of Attraction is your career. In the practical world, the career is not only the source of income but also an expression of a person’s passion, interest or expertise. Often-times, people spend more of their days in their offices, places of business or other locations related to their career. For some, th
    John Baskin 7 years ago 7454
  • You Are Not a Victim

    One assumption I’ve lived my life by for a long time now goes like this: "If it’s a question of me being screwed up or masses of people being screwed up in the same way, then it’s far more likely that it’s just me being screwed up.”Just to name an obvious example. Men often come to me and say something like this: “I go out and try to meet women, but the problem is all of the
    Mark Manson 7 years ago 11041

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