• Men like Independent women

    A woman who is independent is impressively romantic to a man. Apparently, many women do not grasp this concept. The misperception prevails in our modern times that men are intimidated by a successful woman.Independence is romantic. Although men want to protect and do things for women, most men are still amazed to see women who are independent. Women who are too dependent on men and too ne
    Dr. Jane Smart 8 years ago 9933
  • Femininity and Fragility

    Femininity is an important trait that men find romantic. To most men femininity involves being caring, loving and understanding. Men just cannot help but find women who are fragile and feminine romantic. Men love women who are caring, soft-spoken, and kind-hearted. Many people see femininity as something that shows weakness, dependence, or insecurity. Absolutely not! Men are attracted
    Dr. Jane Smart 8 years ago 17601
  • A Confident woman is charming

    Sometimes it is difficult to put a finger on what it is about a woman that makes her so attractive. It is often a combination of traits that work together to create that "magic spark". It has become popular to believe men are attracted to the "damsel in distress," the woman who needs a man to rescue her, but for emotionally healthy men - that does not work. The truth
    Dr. Jane Smart 8 years ago 11030
  • Working On Yourself To Be A Perfect Mistress

    In order to be the perfect mistress, you need to present yourself as a strong and attractive woman. By understanding the motivation behind why men have affairs, you realize that your role within this relationship is that of a fantasy woman. Your part in this affair is rather more difficult than those that you've experienced in conventional relationships, since you need to provide your
    Guy Butler 8 years ago 12076
  • The Secret About Approaching

    When you talk to a woman or anyone else, one thing you should keep in mind is that you need to judge if that person wants to be talked at all. People who don’t want to be approached by strangers, particularly those they have never met before, will usually show this and make it obvious with their body language. What does this include?1. Hunching their body posture2. Crossing their arms.3.
    Amanda Jordan 8 years ago 10091
  • The Art of Seduction

    When most people hear the word "seduction," all sorts of images come to mind. They think you have to be very slick with women, have some sort of magic pick up lines, and go through these steps to get women into bed. While there's some truth to that, most people lose sight of a larger truth. The larger truth is that if you want to persuade people to do what you want them to do
    Amber Cole 8 years ago 11554
  • How to Act Not Creepy In Front Of Women?

    There are many elements that decide if you are creepy to a woman. This needs to be said, some guys; when focusing on not coming off as threatening or creepy, do the oppose and never approach women out of fear of seeming like a creep. This is just as bad as scaring her off. Trying to meet someone and talk to them is not creepy at all, inherently. It's the way humans interact with and
    Amanda Jordan 8 years ago 9100
  • Why Being Confident Around Women Is Important?

    Women like confident men! It is true. It is a fact that being confident around women and appearing dateable to them is all about being effective on a social level and having confidence. If you want to attract a woman and intrigue her interests to you, being confident is quite important. In our daily life, you can usually see that a quiet and shy guy is hard to attract women or even talk
    Amanda Jordan 8 years ago 11703
  • How To Improve My Confidence And Be A Manly Man?

    Let me tell you the truth. It is not difficult to act confident in front of women. You probably won’t believe this until you experience and see it for yourself. Many guys make the mistake of assuming that they need to memorize a lot of tips and act the right way, but really, it;s a matter of attitude, and being brave enough to simply stand your ground, exist without apology, and talk t
    Amanda Jordan 8 years ago 11088
  • A Positive Attitude Can Attract Men

    A man loves a woman with a good and positive attitude. A woman's smile is a simple gesture that can melt a man's heart. Men find women's smiles romantic because of the warmth they bring. A woman's smiles serves as an indicator whether she is a happy-going woman or a melancholic woman who easily gets down and de- pressed. This is very important for most men. Scientifically
    Dr. Jane Smart 8 years ago 14048

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