• How Do You Like to Receive Bad News?

      Here’s the thing: no matter how great relationships may seem, they really won’t be able to shield you from bad news. What does this mean? Well, just news that may either be personal, or even about the world but that may have this certain negative effect on your relationship.  What are some examples of bad news? Well, it can be one of the following: the death of someone in the
    Elisa Armstrong 8 years ago 6916
  • How Do You Act When You Get Angry?

      Well, by talking about with your partner, you both will be able to know what to expect at times when you know anger would really come into play instead of just being shocked, not knowing what to do, and resorting to anger, too. Life is not always easy, and there will really be times when you will question each other’s choices.  There will also be times when outside forces, such
    Elisa Armstrong 8 years ago 9437
  • Different Ways To Express Anger

      No matter how smooth sailing a relationship may seem in the beginning, there will always come a time when things might get a little bit rocky, and you and your partner may not know how to deal with it, thus, leading you to the point where you just keep shouting at each other, or one of you tends to run away and nothing really gets solved.  You know, you can actually start address
    Elisa Armstrong 8 years ago 11889
  • How to Know If She Is Interested When You Text Her?

      How should you respond when you just asked her out over a text and she tells you that she is not available? Is this your cue to ask about another day? Using the Classic Rule to Gauge Interest: The truth is that if she is interested in seeing you, but is really busy on your suggested day, she will counter the text message with another time or idea for the date. If she simply says she
    Amanda Jordan 8 years ago 6984
  • Understanding What Intimacy is All About

      One of the strange things that you find out when you interview different people is how little they understand about what intimacy is. Men look on embarrassed and think that intimacy is sexual and women think it's about sharing. Both are partly right, but they are also partly wrong and that’s a great shame. To understand intimacy and what it is may be vital to being able to br
    Lisa Robinson 8 years ago 8767
  • The Real Key Is Changing Yourse lf

    About getting a girlfriend, one of the most important thing that you need to focus on now is changing yourself. It is important for you to have the attitude and the right type of moves in order to get a girlfriend. If you are a type of person who just hangs out inside the house and just plays computer games all day, the chances of you having a girlfriend is significantly low. Therefore,
    John Demarco 8 years ago 10380
  • Taking A Genuine Interest In Our Everyday Lives

    One of the keys, if not the most important, to building a successful relationship with a man is the ability of a woman to show a sincere interest in both the man and the things that are important to him. By expressing a genuine interest in a man's qualities, background, history, hobbies, career, family, or anything else closely related to him, a woman will give him a sense of impor
    Dr. Jane Smart 8 years ago 12714
  • Physical affection is associated with positive results in a romantic relationship

    Let us first define the subject. The public display of affection is when affections are being made publicly. Period. Although it really depends on the upbringing of the two people getting intimate in the elements, the acceptability of this issue really varies from one culture to another. Some people will see it as being the most normal in the world, while others will feel completely unc
    8 years ago 9445
  • Sense of Humor

    Ask any woman what qualities they are looking for in a man and you will find that a sense of humor is almost always in the top five. This is also the same for men.One of the things men find romantic in a woman is her sense of humor. Laughter is a relief from a stressful day or for a tired mind and body. It is also an icebreaker in difficult situations. The laughter and gig-gles of a woman
    Dr. Jane Smart 8 years ago 10760
  • Note Your Hair

    They say that physical beauty is only deep skin and the most important beauty is on the inside. We cannot argue that, but even so, physical beauty plays an important role when it comes to attracting men. While women are emotional beings, men are visual beings. A man has to notice the physical beauty of a woman first before he can love her.Before a woman can connect with a man emotionally,
    Dr. Jane Smart 8 years ago 5409

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