• Common Relationship bombs Affecting Sexual Desire

    The interpersonal dynamics within your marriage relationship are often the most important factor in dealing with loss of desire and lack of frequency. A coupled companionship can be a microcosm of what happens in their sex life, and vice versa. Even if the relationship isn't the direct cause of low sexual desire, the resulting marital conflict often intensifies the lack of desire. Th
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 11505
  • How Often You Make Love Matters!

    When I was writing The Good Girls Guide to Great Sex, I conducted two surveys of over 1000 Women each, looking into all kinds of questions, including how much they enjoyed sex, how often they had sex, and how sex had improved since they got married. I was only planning on interviewing women.But then I started to analyze the results. What floored me was that 40% of women reported making lov
    Sheila Wray Gregoire 7 years ago 13393
  • Helping Her Reach the Big “O”

    Many women do not experience orgasm during sex. In the surveys that I took for The Good Girl’s Guide to Great Sex, around 65% regularly orgasm during intercourse, but that leaves 35% who don't. And some of those 35% have never had an orgasm at all.An orgasm is the height of sexual pleasure. While a man’s orgasm is rather obvious, a woman's is not quite as dramatic—though it f
    Sheila Wray Gregoire 7 years ago 12141
  • Emotional Toxins and Antidotes to Sexual Desire

    Positive emotions are so vital to exciting, passionate sexual arousal. Other feelings can be quite toxic to sexual desire, as they have serious negative impact on our personal and relational well-being. Those negative impacts include feelings such as depression, fear, anger, resentment, etc.Depression. Depression is a powerful emotional toxin. Research consistently shows a strong connectio
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 12746
  • Do You Know some Misconceptions about Foreplay?

    How most women don’t necessarily feel “in the mood” before they start making love is more a by-product of making love. But what if you're a woman and you never actually get aroused? That's a problem. And it's likely because you're not doing enough of the things that arouse you. Here in this passage, foreplay is discussed. What it is? How to make it great? How to figur
    Sheila Wray Gregoire 7 years ago 10143
  • Do You Understand Orgasms?

    Perhaps you are wondering if you have experienced an orgasm. Sometimes during lovemaking you do feel tingling and physical excitement. But if you wonder, you probably haven’t. A climax includes muscle contractions and sensations that are usually easily recognizable. The pulsing and tingling you feel in your vulval area are probably strong arousal that precedes an orgasm, but not the actu
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 18227
  • 8 Adventurous Ways to Spice Things Up in Lovemaking

    No one should ever be pressured to do something they're uncomfortable with or feel is sinful. It is never worth jeopardizing the safety of the marriage bed by pushing something on your spouse!That being said, sometimes it's not a matter of feeling that it's wrong. More often, we hesitate because:1.We're a little scared of something new2.We think we may not be able to do it
    Sheila Wray Gregoire 7 years ago 11866
  • Why You Should Decide Your Sexual Boundaries?

    In any marriage, one spouse is going to feel more adventurous in the bedroom than the other.This passage explores how to experience spiritual intimacy, and complete oneness, when we make love. It’s good to have both of those things as the context for what we're going to talk about today-How do you decide what's okay to do and what’s not?Over the last few years, the vast majorit
    Sheila Wray Gregoire 7 years ago 11271
  • Are You Mentally Present while You Make Love?

    Feeling totally one with your spouse is a beautiful thing.Yet just because sex physically feels good does not mean that ingoing to feel like we're one, and that’s because many people, when they make love, aren't mentally present. They’re thinking of something else in their heads, and so their bodies are responding to fantasy, not to reality. It isn’t your spouse who is captur
    Sheila Wray Gregoire 7 years ago 9797
  • Training Tips for Parenting

    The natural parent doesn't exist. Oh, people may have maternal or paternal tendencies to love and nurture, but parenting is overall a learned skill. Begin with the following ideas, read, and talk to fellow parents as you share wisdom, because a great sex life depends on your parenting and disciplining abilities.DisciplineEnforcing bedtimes. Enforcing bedtimes is tough. Rewards and loss
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 9251

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