• Key Ingredients of A Great Sex After Childbirth

    Many of you reading this section who already have children are saying, “Who cares about a great sex life—how about any at all, or even a mediocre sex life?” In the Lovemaking Cycle, Christopher McCluskey stresses some of the key ingredients for creating quality lovemaking. Among these are privacy, energy, time, and initiation—all of which are hard to come by in the children years,
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 8068
  • Experiencing Spiritual Oneness when You Make Love

    You see, in Psalm 139:23, David says, Search me and know me”. In fact, that theme, begging God to dig deep inside our hearts and really “know” us, is throughout Scripture. And the same Hebrew word is used to represent our deep longing for a union with God and the sexual union between a husband and a wife.What if there’s actualiy a connection? What if sex isn’t just supposed to be
    Sheila Wray Gregoire 7 years ago 10899
  • Top Tips on Flirting with Your Spouse

    Just as playing together helps you laugh together, flirting helps you to laugh-and binds you together because you share a relationship with your spouse that is totally unique. Here are some top tips to get the fun rolling:1.Leave a love note on the mirrorUsing a dry erase marker (or even lipstick!), leave a love note on your honey's bathroom mirror. To be even bolder, draw a picture of w
    Sheila Wray Gregoire 7 years ago 10793
  • Commonsense Advice on Sex during Pregnancy

    Couples have some real fears about having sex during pregnancy. Let us first list some commonsense advice:Sex During Pregnancy•Consult your physician and follow her or his suggestions. Your body and pregnancy are unique and may need special guidelines (for example, if you are prone to miscarriages).•If there is any bleeding or change in condition, immediately seek medical Help.•Unl
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 9069
  • What Do You Do to Show Affection?

    Now we’ve talked about how to play together, and how to think and prepare for sex throughout the day. Tomorrow we're going to turn to how to flirt! But before we get there, let’s talk about affection.For most men, sex is the need, and affection is the choice. For most women, affection is the need and sex is the choice.Really think about that statement for a moment. Whichever one is y
    Sheila Wray Gregoire 7 years ago 10599
  • Do You Prepare for Sex Throughout the Day?

    I hope you all had fun yesterday going over fourteen ways to play as a couple! All of those things will make intimacy more natural. Now we've got ourselves thinking in the right direction, and laughing together to smooth over issues and increase goodwill. But what about actually getting in a frisky frame of mind?For most men that's not much of a challenge. You just start thinking a
    Sheila Wray Gregoire 7 years ago 13601
  • 14 Ways to Play as a Couple

    When my oldest daughter was 8, she asked what I wanted for Christmas. When I didn’t mention any toys, she felt so sorry for me. “Why don't you like to play anymore, Mommy?"That's a good question. Why do we stop playing? Maybe Polly Pockets and Barbies aren't your cup of tea, but laughing and giggling and joking should be-because it's good for the marriage, and the
    Sheila Wray Gregoire 7 years ago 18247
  • Hitting the Reset Button on Your Sex Life

    Do you need a reset button for your sex life?The emphasis during this first week of our challenge is to start seeing sex in a new way. Next week we'll turn to how to have more fun as a couple, but this week we’re laying down the fundamentals becoming affectionate again, getting rid of the lies we believe, dealing with our insecurities, seeing our spouses in a different light and embr
    Sheila Wray Gregoire 7 years ago 11273
  • Understanding on Definition of Sexual Desire

    One of the serious difficulties in treating desire disorders is that there are no agreed-upon definitions of sexual desire in Women or in men. If we can't define desire, then how can we understand when there is a deficit that needs treatment? Frequently, responses used to measure desire are more characteristic of male sexual desire, such as the presence of sexual fantasies, genital r
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 12049
  • Affirming a Positive Body Image

    God created every person uniquely individual, and sexy in his or her own right. The psalmist David s aid that God knew him even before he was born and carefully made him a unique crea tion in his mother’s womb: “ I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made" (Ps. 139 14 NXJV). Your body is fearfully and wonderfully made and God hopes you will accept and agree with Hi
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 10612

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