• Understanding Each Other’ s Sexual Drives

    Is that all he ever thinks about? Will she just stop begging me?Libido differences are the biggest source of conflict when it comes to sex. One spouse wants sex more than the other. Then one spouse starts to feel like they're begging, and the other spouse starts to feel like sex has become an obligation.Usually if the woman who feels like sex is an obligation, and the man who feels lik
    Sheila Wray Gregoire 7 years ago 12242
  • A Note to Wives

    Body image doesn't have quite the hold on men as it does on women, but it still matters. And many husbands naturally wonder if their wives find them attractive at all, especially their wives have lower sex drives than he does. Does she really want me?A Note to WivesWaybe his body has changed. He made your knees wobbly when you married him, but the years have taken their toll. And now i
    Sheila Wray Gregoire 7 years ago 12658
  • Awaken Her Body

    Many women just don't like our bodies, and because of that we're often disconnected from them. And if we're disconnected from our bodies, we aren’t going to feel a whole lot of pleasure. That disconnect could be because we feel embarrassed about our bodies, or embarrassed about sex in general. It could be because you as a couple have never really figured out how to make sex f
    Sheila Wray Gregoire 7 years ago 12246
  • Do You Know about Three-Dimensional Intimacy?

    Falling deeper in love and experiencing moving sexual intimacy demands that lovers have three-dimentional intimacy—to bring body, soul, and spirit together. In the Garden of Eden, these three parts (of God's image in us) were comfortably joined, not different and distinct. We have distorted the whole, especially pushing the body into being a separate object.Body and soul. Sit across
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 11154
  • Romantic Fun with Clothes on

    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau offers more suggestions for making love without the urgency to head for the bedroom and get nude in this passage. These activities further underscore the spirit of erotic fun with clothes on—subtle, pervasive, spontaneous, tantalizing, and sensuous loveplay. You can act as a sensual explorer to improve physical affection by grabbing, controlling,dressing up and o
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 12764
  • Pucker Up for Kissing!

    Do you remember your dreams of a first kiss? You watched all those after school specials on TV, and you could hardly wait until it happened to you. You pictured it. You practiced it in your mind. You imagined who it would be with. And in those heady days when you were pre-pubescent, kissing was likely as far as those fantasies went.And then, for so many couples, you got married and kissing
    Sheila Wray Gregoire 7 years ago 12945
  • Embracing the Skin She’s in

    Women. Are you beautiful?Even asking that question has probably laid a whole pile of guilt at your feet. You feel ugly. You feel too big. You don't measure up.And guys, you may look at your wife and think she's beautiful, but I can practically guarantee that she doesn't think so- Everywhere she turns she sees images that she'll never measure up to. And so she feels ugly. And
    Sheila Wray Gregoire 7 years ago 10269
  • How do You Feel about Yourself in Body Image?

    We generally form our attitudes about our body from the people and ideas around us rather than make a self-perception. Look at the following list. How have these influences affected the way you think and feel? Take particular parts of your body and sort through how each one has affected the way you perceive yourself. Think about your feet, your legs, your chest, your mouth, your hips, yo
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 10395
  • Sex Is the Physical Acting out of Everything that Marriage Is

    Sex is everywhere. It’s used to sell cars. It’s used to sell movies. It motivates clothing purchases, vacation destinations, and even car choices. You can't get away from it.But what is sex really supposed to be about?When I was thinking about that question, I was browsing the internet for a picture to match the blog post I would write (for this ebook originally began as a series o
    Sheila Wray Gregoire 7 years ago 11101
  • Personal Disciplines of Passionate Intimacy-Sensuously Celebrating & Totally Present

    Sensuously CelebratingGod created pleasure and gave humans the intentional ability to celebrate with body, soul, and spirit. Sensuality is His gift, and Christians above all people should be able to celebrate, as they utilize all of their five senses. The Song of Solomon depicts a sensual, sexual celebration: “My lover has gone down to his garden, to the beds of spices, to browse in the
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 10379

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