• Personal and Environmental Factors Affecting Your Sex Life

    As much as a couple might like it, spontaneous and exciting sex doesn't happen that often. It connects with personal and environmental factors. Spontaneity and variety are indispensable in improving your sex life quality. Consider this normal couple with two children. The husband's job is demanding and requires some travel, and the wife works part-time at a dentist's office.
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 7858
  • Types of Lubrication for lovemaking

    In response to thrusting and other stimulation, our bodies produce lubrication to prepare for intercourse. The fact of the matter is that this will not always be adequate even if you are young and healthy. You may be taking a decongestant that is making you dry or prolonged lovemaking may need something extra. Every couple should have some artificial lubrication handy to use as needed as
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 8398
  • Do You Know About Different Types of Birth Control Methods?

    Here are nine common methods of birth control. You as a couple will have to sort through which one is most applicable along lines of personal sensitivities, health, and who takes responsibility. Withdrawal of the penis before ejaculation is not included as a method of birth control because of its ineffectiveness. There are millions of sperm in one ejaculation, and it takes only one to caus
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 7735
  • Minimize Mess in Physical Sexuality

    A fundamental part of making love is that it is passionate, with physical arousal, active loveplay, and noise. If you are an emotional person who can go down a waterslide with your mouth wide open and screaming, the passionate part of sex won't seem that messy. If you enjoy sports and perspiring and don't worry about making a face and grunting when you hit a tennis ball, you probab
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 10672
  • Do You Minimize the Mess While Enjoying the Joy of Sex?

    How many lovers, as they are contemplating the joys of sex, think of lovemaking as being messy? The word mess can be defined as a condition or situation that is uncomfortable, confusing, unpleasant, or untidy. This certainly fits many aspects of sex. It is unfortunate, but many couples let the untidiness seriously dampen their sexual intimacy.Here is a sample of complaints from marriage
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 8463
  • Do You Know Four-phase Physical Process in Lovemaking?

    A four-phase cycle sounds like part of a course in electrical engineering. Actually, it is the exciting way our physical bodies function in lovemaking. Sex researchers Masters and Johnson developed from their research four separate phases of physical buildup and changes during sex: excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution. Understanding these phases can help couples enhance their arou
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 16317
  • How Much Do You Know About Male Genitals?

    The male genitals are more visible to the eye and familiar to the man because he has contact with his penis every time he urinates. Yet many men have never taken the time to truly examine the penis.At birth the penis is uncircumcised, with the foreskin covering the glans, or head. The foreskin can be removed surgically for hygienic reasons. There is no truth to the myth that the uncircumci
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 8271
  • Do you Really Know about Sexual Reflexes?

    Your body's mechanisms for sexual arousal demonstrate a beautifully complex relationship among hormones, nerves, blood vessels, and muscles. Yet all you have to do is simply relax and tune in to your God-given erogenous zones and responses. The sexual parts of your mind and body may be repressed or lying dormant, but they are there. Making love and stimulating erogenous zones is the
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 7644
  • Do you Have a Discipline in Lovemaking?

    Discipline may seem an odd character trait to include for a lover, and may appear to be the opposite of spontaneity, playfulness, and creativity. The truth of the matter is that an undisciplined lifestyle will end up with very infrequent sex. Discipline doesn’t have to destroy the fun and spontaneity of sex or put pressure on you. The truth is that if you don't plan sex into your s
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 11698
  • Are You More “Romanticially Challenged” in Lovemaking?

    Sexy lovers take the time to develop the sensual, romantic part of their minds personalities. Every person has an exciting romantic side, but few take the time and energy to unleash their passionate capacities. Mates can be surprised at how talented and creative they are in planning sexy surprises for each other—yes, even husbands, who can be more “Romantically challenged.” They ea
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 9795

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