• Personal Disciplines of Passionate Intimacy-Confidently Secure

    Tim loved the way Jackie allowed her friends to be his friends and covered up his shyness. She often initiated lovemaking and made his feel less insecure. They came to counseling because Tim's feelings of inadequacy had caused Jackie to lose respect and become tremendously dissatisfied. He didn't realize that it takes two whole people to make a whole relationship. The scriptural
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 10575
  • Personal Disciplines of Passionate Intimacy-Unconditionally Committed

    I love the analogy that marriage is like a submarine. If you keep the escape hatch open and try to submerge, you will surely sink. Great relationships and sex lives thrive on unconditionally being there for that other person. The prophet Jeremiah declares God's commitment so vividly: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; will make an everlasting covenant with them: I will never
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 15422
  • Do You Know 12 Steps of Pair Bonding in Creating Intimacy?

    Sociologist Desmond Morris addressed this important concept and process in his book Intimate Behaviour and called it “pair fannation” or “pair bonding”. He observed humans in their courting behaviors and saw a process that often included all or most of twelve separate steps. Each step is progressively different and important. The needs of an initial step cannot be met by skipping
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 24797
  • Use Massage to Enhance Lovemaking

    Massage will help you as a couple feel more sensuous and close. By its very relaxing and nurturing nature, it will be an aphrodisiac to your sex life. Massage can't help but teach you to be a more gentle and sensitive lover and bring you as one-flesh companions into a more bonded, caring, and stress-free relationship.Here are some suggestions for applying the massage techniques you are
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 12205
  • Sensuous Message for Different Body Areas of Your Mate

    Let’s now look at areas of the body where you can bring tension release and sensuous pleasure to your mate with massage. The illustrations include a variety of techniques, but use your creativity as you improvise and create your own sequences. You won't believe what this sensuous message and nurturing will do for your friendship and love life. As you conclude the massage on each area
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 9623
  • Basic Techniques of Massage for Your Mate

    Massage is not complex. This section develops basic movements that you will need to master to pleasure and relax your mate, include stroking, kneeding, knuckling, pummeling, passive touching. Many other techniques of massage are simply variations. We will demonstrate on the back and arm so you can practice quite easily as you learn.StrokingYou will use stroking the most in your massage as
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 10283
  • Which Movements Shall be Involved in Massage for Your Partner?

    Be sure to remove your jewelry and warm your hands. Massage is lovingly nurturing your mate's body, and these are common courtesies to enhance the experience. You may want to buy a flannel sheet to drape the parts of the body you are not massaging. Keep towels handy to roll up under the neck or other areas that need support. The message process involves in movements such as rhythms,
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 10429
  • What Tools Shall be Needed for Massage for Your Partner?

    There really are few preparations or necessary items other than some oil and a quiet, warm place to lie during the massage. Table, mat or blanket may be good choice to make a warm place for your partner to lie on and enjoy.Oils.Natural oils like coconut, sesame, safflower, almond, soy, or avocado work well. Some natural oils like olive, peanut, or corn oil can be too thick and don't sp
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 9494
  • Do you Act as a Coaching Role in Sexual Relationship?

    A wife may think her husband is supposed to know all about sex. or a couple may wonder why they are the only couple in the world whose sex life has not automatically fallen into place. After all, if making love is supposed to be such a natural thing, why are they struggling? The truth is that, like marriage in general, two unique male and female persons getting together will have differe
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 9298
  • Do You Have Love Talk with Your Couple?

    How much do you talk before sex? During sex? After sex? Conversation really is a great way to enhance your sex life. Love talk before, during, and after making love will certainly benefit your sexual stimulation and help you maintain a satisfying and happy relationship.One couple stumbled on to the importance of talk one night as they were making plans for their summer vacation. It was aft
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 10920