• How Is “Forgiving” Important to Your Sex Life?

    We are fallible and must cut each other slack, because we know even the people most committed to our well-being will let us down. "Bearing with one another, and forgiving" (Col. 3:13 NKJV), God calls us to follow His example as we build intimate relationships in this sinful, imperfect world. " And be kind to one another, tender, hearted, forgiving one another, even as God in
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 8385
  • Be Honest or Dishonest in Your Sex Life?

    In making love, dishonesty destroys trust, allows boredom, and creates confusion and hostility. It may take the form of the dishonest husband who lacks skills but can't admit to himself he is a nonromantic sexual illiterate. He may think, She says sex isn't very fun, but she reaches a climax most of the time. A wife may play manipulative sexual games. Instead of confronting issues,
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 11081
  • Are You a Wise and Knowledgeable Lover?

    In the language of the King James Version of the Bible, the word know is used to describe intercourse. For example, Isaac knew his wife, Rebekah, and they conceived a son. I used to think this wording was due to the reluctance of those times to deal with sex openly. Now, I like this word know in our era of casual sexual encounters. Lovemaking should be “knowing” what your mate enjoys a
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 8431
  • How do You Define “Love” in Sex?

    The Bible says you are to love your neighbor or your mate just as you love yourself. Fun sex depends on husbands and wives who have learned to love themselves. This means that you take care of your health and exercise your body to keep it in shape. You should also enjoy and accept the body God gave you. Self-acceptance, self-esteem, and a good body image are healthy parts of sexiness and
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 11023
  • How to Learn “Playfulness” in Making Love?

    We as adults so easily forget the art of playfulness. It is the ability to let go of control and to frolic and be silly. It's the feeling that you deserve to have fun and being able to anticipate it. Then you have to learn to truly go along with the fun once you’ve created it. Remember that our Creator plays and knows we need this important skill to enjoy Him and participate fully in
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 7635
  • A One-flesh Partnership is A Spiritural and Emotional Union

    As we launch into our exploration of sexuality, we must remember that we lose something if we treat making love as simply physical excitement, intercourse, and techniques. Making love offers insight into Christ's relationship and modus operandi with His beloved followers, the church. It includes joy, excitement, trust, commitment, unselfish nurturing, self-esteem, and a mutually fulfil
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 12557
  • Christian Meaning of “Submission” & “Selfishness” and How It’s Connected with Sex?

    Christians need to be able to practice both submission and a righteous selfishness. Sometitnes I call it "selfness” because being selfish appears to be in direct conflict with the traditional Christian teachings of putting others first. We as Christians are indeed encouraged to be submissive. That is, we are encouraged to place our partners' needs and feelings ahead of our own.
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 9028
  • God’s Image is Reflected in both Maleness and Femaleness

    We as human beings are limited to our experiences, and they do not give us enough vocabulary and concepts to truly understand God. We as Christians should also be careful not to keep God so far away from sexuality and marriage that we lose our Creator’s insights into the importance of gender and becoming one flesh.We can gain helpful understanding of gender differences by observing the
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 10894
  • Essentials for An Intimate Marriage and A Great Sex Life

    A Dynamic, Covenant Partnership Must Be FormedThe Bible describes the beauty and complexity of the marital companionship that creates the context for love-making. The loving, intimate relationship of you and your spouse is modeled after the relationship of God and His chosen people. A mature marital partnership truly fashions itself after redemption, in that you die to yourself and let go
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 8 years ago 9150
  • Challenging the Lies

    Sex may be a beautiful thing, but that doesn't mean that we ail feel wonderfully about it. What do you do if you don't have a positive attitude about sex? What do you do if you're bringing baggage into your marriage which is making it difficult to get excited about sex? Or what do you do if sex has just never felt that great, and you've almost given up? Or if it seems imper
    Sheila Wray Gregoire 8 years ago 8259

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