• Developing Nonverbal Signals to Enhance Intimacy in Sex Life

    Build up a fun and useful repertoire of nonverbal language. Experts speculate that anywhere from 65 to 95 perent of communication is nonverbal, so it is no wonder that great lovers master this aspect of connecting. Try not to mindread or assume; check out or establish some of the nonverbal signals verbally. Perhaps gentle pressure with a hand signals the desire to shift into another posi
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 8200
  • How do You Think of Sexual Vocabulary and Slang?

    Sex is a difficult, private topic. Couples can often make love more easily than they can talk about it. Assertively asking for what they need does not come easily for many people, especially in the sexual arena. Sexual problems and sexual ignorance, with unresolved anger and hurt, can also impede sexual communication. Sexual vocabulary and slang need to be involved in this area.Before gett
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 7686
  • How to Manage Conflict in the Sexual Partnership?

    Perhaps you and your spouse grew up arguing and enjoy the challenge, or are afraid of conflict and avoid it or distance yourselves when you feel attacked. Or your sexual disagreements often end with nothing resolved and anger on both sides. Agree to practice these "fight-management" skills as you institute some rules. The guidelines apply to managing all of your communication mor
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 10678
  • Top Three Skills for Great Communication on Lovemaking

    A crucial part of effective communication and avoiding defensiveness is coming into this process with an attitude. Not a bad attitude but a deeply loving one that conveys to your mate, “I like you—you're safe with me. I want you happy and fulfllled.” Mature communicators in this dialogue process abandon the need to win, debate, convince, or make a point. You are creating a dialog
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 12125
  • What’s the Dangers to Guard against in Fantasy Lovemaking?

    Just as every coin has two sides. Fatasy can enhance lovemaking while it can also cause some dangers if not in a proper state. Those dangers in fantasy lovemaking include distorting fantasy, poor thought control, diminishing your mate, etc. You should realize those dangers and try your best to avoid in order to improve your healthy sex life.Distorting FantasyFantasy can be distorted. As yo
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 10729
  • How to Enhance Lovemaking by Fantasies?

    Sexual imagination should be used toward the goal of increasing the enjoyment and intimacy of lovemaking. Here are some rules of thumb that can help you maximize your mental fantasy life. They can help you, whether individually or mutually, to keep your fantasy skills and usage within God’s sexual economy as it enhances lovemaking.Keep environmental cues disciplined. It is great to be he
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 11798
  • How to Create A Mood for Lovemaking?

    As there are three different aspects of mood setting for lovemaking, measures in detail, such as fives senses and tools like props or pillows shall be fully taken use of to improve the mood setting to create a romantic lovemaking environment.Sensuality.Sight, smell, taste, hearing, and touch are the five senses to majcimize as you explore creating and enjoying a romantic ambiance.1. Sight.
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 8807
  • How to Set Effective Sexual Goals?

    Beginning goals may be to choose when during the week and when during the weekend you are going to make love, and then to set that time aside as sacred to each of you. As busy as your schedules are, if you don’ft find your optimal times and structure in making love, you will have sex about once a month. And you do not have to destroy your spontaneity. Goal setting is simply the inner s
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 13054
  • Natural aphrodisiacs to Ehance Sex Life

    God has freely given you many natural ways to enhance your lovemaking. Discover them along with your mate. These methods involve in time-related factors and skill-repated factors in ehancing sex life quality.Taking Time and Focusing on the MomentTake time to enjoy each other sexually. Taking more time increases loveplay and, in a fun way, forces you into being more creative. One of the build
    Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau 7 years ago 7636
  • What We So Frequently Misunderstand About Sex?

    As open as discussions have become about sex, so have the many misconceptions about sex that have arisen. Everyone wants to give their opinions about sex and many of them are laden with some degree of inaccuracies. It is therefore important to decipher the truth from the half truths before we embark any further. We shall see some of the myths about sex that modem society blows out of pro
    Suzie Holmes 7 years ago 8244