• Top Reasonable Ways to Deal with Depression

    When you recognize that you are suffering from depression, you have to deal with it.The symptoms can be different for everyone but there are certain recurring characteristics that can be used to identify if you’re suffering from depression. You might be depressed if you:1) Don't feel happy doing the things that you used to;2) Have started to eat too much or too less and can’t control
    Joanna Jackson 7 years ago 9249
  • Do You Use the Potential to Be Happy?

    Everybody has the potential to be happy, so why are so many people up tight  and unhappy? The fact is that over the course of a lifetime, the reaction that  they may have experienced from others has left a negative impact. A child being  told that he is useless may grow up with an inferiority complex and feel bad  about who he is. A girl with a fuller figure may have been criti
    John Baskin 7 years ago 6701
  • The Road to Possessions and Wealth

    The life you have led so far has taken you this far and your attitude toward what you gained from those years may be very negative indeed. You see people who are succeeding all around you and you wonder why you can't be as successful and happy as others. Some seem to get everything that they want, while you struggle. You may blame your situation. You may even see it that you are disadv
    John Baskin 7 years ago 7246
  • Do You Love Yourself in a Manner Equal to Others?

    Learn to love yourself really does work. You need to understand why. If you love yourself or at least are happy with the person that you are, you stop being so clingy, and you lose the need to be jealous. My best friend has a better car than me. She also has a better house and a more reliable husband, but she’s my best friend because none of this counts. It's her personality, stabili
    Sofia Price 7 years ago 9965
  • More Love of Bicycles due to Bike-sharing, More Love in Life

    With an explosion of bike sharing apps and providers, China’s bike-sharing industry is blossoming. In big cities across the country, bike sharing revolution is taking over on the streets, greatly helping ease traffic congestions and facilitating the air cleaner even though some small new problems have been occured.In the last century, China used to be known as the “kindom of bicycles�
    juliana 7 years ago 11643
  • Do You Always Find A New Way Forward?

    When you find someone better than you in some aspects, will you feel angry because of your jealous feeling or will you find a new way forward? Jealousies are always caused by the reality that you don’t measure up to them in some way. However, you can choose right ways to move forward instead of being indulging in such a negative feeling as the green monster will make you unhappy. Think a
    Sofia Price 7 years ago 10742
  • Reasons to Take Her to World’s Longest Skywalk with a Glass Bottom

    According to relevant offical Chinese media, Chongqing has brought the world’s longest skywalk with a glass bottom into reality. Suspended at the edge of a cliff, China has just opened the world’s most terrifying skywalk so far. The bridge is perched at the height of 400 feet. Walkway of the bridge is in V-shaped and it stretches almost 70 meters from a sheer cliff face in Southwest
    7 years ago 11994
  • Are You Aware that You're a Lucky Person?

    Relationship jealousy is a very complex thing. In daily life you may encounter some events that lead to jealousy and show you how to overcome your jealousy feelings. Those jealousy feelings could have arisen because of circumstances or simply because you have ideas set in your mind about what should happen, what did happen and why you feel this way. There are many examples of siblings fe
    Sofia Price 7 years ago 7830
  • For Chinese Grad Student Yingying Zhang - We Wanna Love and Peace More

    According to CNN, a man has been arrested in connection with the disappearance of a visiting Chinese graduate student last seen June 9 on the Univesity of Illinois campus. It is reported on June 30 that FBI investigators think that the student Yingying Zhang, 26, is probably dead. Zhang represents a generation of the young people born in late 1980s and early 1990s in China. She’s very
    7 years ago 11821
  • Making a Connection Brings a Cure to Your Green-eyed Monster

    You should always believe yourself that you're great and you're worthy of love and a fulfilling relationship based on honesty and trust. These're really what men are looking for in women nowadays. Physical looks can be a given requisite but it's who you're inside that attracts men the most.Various physical activities release chemicals (enter the endorphins) that, among
    Sofia Price 7 years ago 9019

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