• Relationship Boundaries Should be Established to Address Jealousy

    There maybe good causes for jealousy in certain situations and among all the good causes, fear and insecurity pave the way for jealous feelings. Whether justified or not, jealous feelings will gain you absolutely nothing. Therefore, establishing boundaries is a good way to ease jealous feelings.The importance of relationship boundariesOnce in a relationship, you and your partner must positiv
    Sofia Price 7 years ago 10291
  • Volunteerism Helps Your Self-esteem Levels

    People who always volunteer tend to gain a lot more than they're expected to give. They often learn to accept different situations and to adapt to them. When you see the work of Doctors without Borders or the Red Cross, there's something amazing about seeing people working to make the lives of people, in far off countries a lot better. Actually, there's nothing like volunteeris
    Sofia Price 7 years ago 9490
  • Two Types of Men according to the Three Fundamentals

    We've introduced earlier that lifestyle, courage and communication are the three fundamentals in living a good life. According to the three fundamentals principle, have you realized that all men who struggle with relationships can fall into one of the two categories: socially anxious or socially disconnected.Socially anxious menSocially anxious men tend to have the communication qualit
    Mark Manson 7 years ago 9574
  • How Humility Can Help You to Be a Better Person?

    Humility can help you much more open to changes and it makes you less materialistic. It can also make you appreciate who you are. You don't need or crave other people's approval anymore. Gradually you are less needy and more giving. People who dwell on jealousy are not humble and they have expectations in life, they're those who always expect everyone to go along with the exp
    Sofia Price 7 years ago 12317
  • How to Become Self-sufficient?

    Most people need little time to be independent people who do not rely on relationships to keep them happy. We should be happy living on our own. Actually, one can hardly go into a relationship as a whole human being if you are not one. If you're trying to use getting into a relationship to get away from an unsatisfactory situation, then you're setting yourself up for disaster. To
    Sofia Price 7 years ago 9500
  • Are You as Self-sufficient as Jane?

    When it comes to self-sufficiency, Let's have a look at emotion experience examples of Susan and Jane. Susan is a girl who has confidence issues and is looking for a boyfriend who will love her. She always feels unloved. Therefore, not only will he need to love her, but she will expect that love to be every bit as real as it seems in fairy stories. She has no sense of what real love is
    Sofia Price 7 years ago 9406
  • Do You Use People You Admire as An Inspiration?

    When confronting people who are very successful, will you be very jealous or will you admire them as inspiration? For example, if you knew someone who had such wonderful skin compared to yours, will be jealous about it or will you admire her and talk to her about her skin care regime and learn from her how to care your own skin as well as hers? If you admire someone for some attribute you
    Sofia Price 7 years ago 11947
  • Ways to Feeling Good about Your Life

    It's quite normal that we may be in a quite down state sometimes and not feeling good. Even in such situations, you'd better find ways to turn yourself to feel good about your life. Hereby, this passage introduces three ways to help you get rid of jealousy and always help you remain in a positive state.Understand the good things in your lifeTelling yourself all the good things you ha
    Sofia Price 7 years ago 10084
  • On Natural Advantages and Disadvantages of the Three Fundamentals

    To continue discussing about the three fundamentals (lifestyle,courage and communication) mentioned earlier,this passage is going to analyze men's natual advantages and disadvantages of the three fundamentals. You're very likely to be pretty strong in one or more of the three fundamentals and weak in one or more of them. Where your strengths and weaknesses lie will determine not on
    Mark Manson 7 years ago 9355
  • Do You Accept that Change Happens?

    Actually, when you're displaying jealousy, you're also showing your own inability to cope with change. He worked late and you make a drama of it. When he has a female client, you also make a drama of it. You have to learn to work with your partner, not against him or her. But what you should remember is that during the course of marriage, everthing changes. Your marriage doesn'
    Sofia Price 7 years ago 12177

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